By Tom Allison
Rush: "[R]ewrite the Constitution. You're doing it anyway"
Rush opened today's show declaring the program “An hour of sanity” amidst chaos and claimed that the mainstream media “was clapping its hands” over the mess we're all in.
Rush talked about his July 23 appearance on Fox News' On the Record with Greta Van Susteren, during which he claimed that “President Obama and the Democrats are destroying the U.S. economy” in order to make people more reliant on the government. Rush claimed an Associated Press report suggesting that higher jobless rates could be the new norm supported his claim of a double standard in the AP's reporting on the Bush and Obama administrations. Rush went so far to claim that the AP was declaring “Get used to it, you serfs.”
Rush claimed that the Apple computer company “were big libs” and that by earning record profits, they are the exception in a “failing Obama America.”
Rush also claimed that Bureau of Labor Statistics numbers show that we've lost every job that was created at the end of the Bush administration and hundreds of thousands more, saying that the entire U.S. has become Michigan.
After the break Rush read from a Washington Times story about the Justice Department intervening in a decision by Kinston, North Carolina, to suspend party affiliations in local elections. The article reported: “The Justice Department's ruling, which affects races for City Council and mayor, went so far as to say partisan elections are needed so that black voters can elect their 'candidates of choice' -- identified by the department as those who are Democrats and almost exclusively black.” Rush claimed that the Justice Department has “insulted blacks” and was usurping the town's sovereignty. Rush mused that the Obama administration might as well “rewrite the Constitution”:
LIMBAUGH: I got an idea. I know that the Obama administration is listening to this show. Rather than do this stuff piecemeal, like tell the people in Kinston, North Carolina, the way they vote is not allowable under your rule, why don't you, David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel and Barack Obama and Anita Dunn and all the rest you socialists, why don't you just get together and outlaw the Republican Party, just make it official. Just outlaw the Republican Party. Just rewrite the Constitution to require redistribution of wealth and group rights over individual liberty. Just convene a convention amongst yourself and rewrite the Constitution. You're doing it anyway.
“This administration idolizes” Stalin, Lenin, Castro, and Mao
Moving along with accusations of the Obama administration's authoritarian agenda, Rush played the audio of a speech by White House communications director Anita Dunn, claiming that “this administration idolizes” Mao, Stalin, and Lenin. Rush moved on to smear White House manufacturing policy advisor Ron Bloom for his comments about Mao and the free market and claimed that all the radicals in the White House are the same as Obama. Also, Rush said that Obama envies “the total control” that Stalin, Lenin, and Mao wielded.
Incredibly, Rush claimed that Republicans could never get away with citing authoritarian despots, ignoring the numerous documented examples of Republicans and conservatives doing exactly that.
Wrapping up the first hour, Rush hit the Obama administration for “dithering” in Afghanistan and declared that incompetent fascists are destroying this country. Rush read from an Associated Press report on print journalism possibly switching to a non-profit system. Naturally, Rush concluded that this was a scheme to have the media “controlled.” He was happy to report, however, that The New York Times is laying off 100 people.
“I think these militant environmentalists, these wackos, have so much in common with the jihad guys”
Kicking off the second hour, Rush moved on to media criticism and claimed that George Stephanopoulos could be as great as the likes of Brit Hume and Chris Wallace if he kept working for another fifteen years. Rush claimed that the media will happily report on Obama's mythical enemies list because they'll be giddy not to be on it.
Rush again discussed yesterday's hoax perpetrated by media pranksters The Yes Men, who released a fake Chamber of Commerce press release supporting climate change legislation, and couldn't believe that reporters didn't know what was going on.
A caller brought up America's obligation to Afghanistan and Pakistan and Rush accused Obama of looking to “screw over” America because he was putting politics over policy.
Rush pointed to a Time article to claim that there was another stimulus package in the works. Rush played a clip of Charlie Rose questioning the stimulus package's effect on job creation and labeled Rose a dunce.
Later Rush smeared climate change legislation advocates, falsely claiming that because carbon dioxide is now considered a pollutant, then we're all polluters for breathing. Later in the program, Rush again missed the point and said: “All mammals exhale carbon dioxide, but only man is destroying the climate.” He also referred to the Kyoto and Copenhagen climate treaties as “economic suicide pacts.”
Rush pointed to an Investor's Business Daily editorial that criticized The New York Times' Andrew Revkin for stating that more children means more pollution. Rush then ranted about Anita Dunn and John Holdren, claiming that the Obama administration is filled with radical, violent environmentalists.
Wrapping up the second hour, Rush noted Richard Cohen's Washington Post column and argued that we still don't know a lot about Obama.
Rush to NY Times reporter: “Why don't you just go kill yourself and help the planet by dying?”
In the third hour, Rush returned to attacking Revkin for positing the "thought experiment" of the government issuing carbon credits to people who don't have kids, calling environmentalists dangerous lunatics. Rush claimed that under Revkin's proposal, homosexuals would “clean up” (as if homosexuals never have children). Rush then went all in and compared environmental activists to the “jihad guys” who recruit children for suicide-bombing missions. Rush then said that if Andrew Revkin really believes that humanity is responsible for destroying the planet, then “why don't you just go kill yourself and help the planet by dying?”
Rush thanked Charles Krauthammer for defending him on last night's Special Report and announced that after the show he was going to go to the closest golf course he could find and hit golf balls and pretend Obama's head is on every one of them.
Zachary Aronow and Zachary Pleat contributed to this edition of the Limbaugh Wire.
LIMBAUGH: You go back to May of 2008 for some historical perspective. Here's some excerpts from an article from an outraged AP. Now, this is -- they're approving of this whole concept: “Higher jobless rates could be the new normal.” In fact, the AP is furthering the Obama administration's line -- “Hey, get used to it. This is your new country, and most of you are going to be impoverished, lower middle class and out of work, depending on us. This is your new country.” And AP happily proffers that notion on you.
LIMBAUGH: Now lest we forget, 5 percent unemployment was considered full employment during the salad says of the Clinton years. Yet in May 2008, the AP tried to paint it as the harbinger of a second Great Depression. And they spent two years trying to convince Americans that we were in the throes of a recession, that it was worse than we have ever seen in the last 50 years. The economy was plunging and it was Bush's fault, and it was the fault of the Iraq war. And unemployment when they were making this point was 5 percent.
Today's it's approaching 10 percent, and the AP tells us, “Get used to it, you dupes. Get used to it, you schlubs. Get used to it, you serfs. Because yo' time is up!”
LIMBAUGH: I got an idea. I know that the Obama administration is listening to this show. Rather than do this stuff piecemeal, like tell the people in Kinston, North Carolina, the way they vote is not allowable under your rule, why don't you, David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel and Barack Obama and Anita Dunn and all the rest you socialists, why don't you just get together and outlaw the Republican Party, just make it official. Just outlaw the Republican Party. Just rewrite the Constitution to require redistribution of wealth and group rights over individual liberty. Just convene a convention amongst yourself and rewrite the Constitution. You're doing it anyway.
LIMBAUGH: Obama and his soft-spoken hitmen and hitwomen, from Anita Dunn to Rahm Emanuel to David Axelrod, run around and rip Fox News and talk radio. And wait until journalists everywhere -- real journalists, professional journalists -- report Obama's enemies list. Feature it, detail it. Unlike they did with Nixon's enemies list, which they despised and hated, they will be happy to report Obama's enemies list, and they will be happy to not be on it, and they will join the Obama administration in going after those who are on Obama's enemies list. Where are you now, 60 Minutes? Where are you now, Nightline? Where are you now, 20/20? Where are you now, Jim Lehrer?
Outrageous comments
LIMBAUGH: Let me just put it to you this way: Can you think of any other administration in this country where a president or a communications specialist or anybody else would run around and start praising Mao Zedong as a role model, as a philosopher to follow? Can you think of any administration who would have previously cited Stalin or Lenin or Castro? This administration idolizes all these people. I'm not suggesting they're mass murderers; I'm saying they envy the total control, the tyrannical control that Mao Zedong had.
LIMBAUGH: So the New York Times environmental writer floating the idea it's a good thing to limit couples in America to one child and give carbon credits for each child not had, or some such thing. Think of all the carbon credits homosexuals will get out of this. No wonder The New York Times is behind this movement. If you get carbon credits for not having a kid, I mean, some people are gonna really clean up.
LIMBAUGH: But here's another observation. I think these militant environmentalists, these wackos, have so much in common with the jihad guys. Let me explain this. What do the jihad guys do? The jihad guys go to families under their control and they convince these families to strap explosives on who? Not them. On their kids. Grab your 3-year-old, grab your 4-year-old, grab your 6-year-old, and we're gonna strap explosives on there, and then we're going to send you on a bus, or we're going to send you to a shopping center, and we're gonna tell you when to pull the trigger, and you're gonna blow up, and you're gonna blow up everybody around you, and you're gonna head up to wherever you're going, 73 virgins are gonna be there. The little 3- or 4-year-old doesn't have the presence of mind, so what about you? If it's so great up there, why don't you go? Why don't you strap explosives on you -- and their parents don't have the guts to tell the jihad guys, “You do it! Why do you want my kid to go blow himself up?” The jihad guys will just shoot 'em, 'cause the jihad guys have to maintain control.
The environmentalist wackos are the same way. This guy from The New York Times, if he really thinks that humanity is destroying the planet, humanity is destroying the climate, that human beings in their natural existence are going to cause the extinction of life on Earth -- Andrew Revkin. Mr. Revkin, why don't you just go kill yourself and help the planet by dying?