Rush Limbaugh said that “it is striking how unqualified [Sen. Barack] Obama is and, and how this whole thing came about with, within the Democrat Party. I think it really goes back to the fact that nobody had the guts to stand up and say no to a black guy.” Limbaugh went on to say: "I think this is a classic illustration here where affirmative action has reared its ugly head against them.
Limbaugh: Obama's nomination “goes back to the fact that nobody had the guts to stand up and say no to a black guy”
Written by Greg Lewis
On the August 19 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, Rush Limbaugh said that “it is striking how unqualified [Sen. Barack] Obama is and, and how this whole thing came about with, within the Democrat [sic] Party. I think it really goes back to the fact that nobody had the guts to stand up and say no to a black guy." Limbaugh went on to say: “I think this is a classic illustration here where affirmative action has reared its ugly head against them. It's the reverse of it. They've, they've ended up nominating and placing at the top of their ticket somebody who's not qualified, who has not earned it.” Limbaugh added: “It's perfect affirmative action. And because of all this guilt and the historic nature of things, nobody had the guts to say, well, wait a minute, do we really want to do this?”
From the August 19 broadcast of Premiere Radio Networks' The Rush Limbaugh Show:
CALLER: But here I -- I'm actually idling. I've got the air on full-blast so I'm gonna', I'm going to take my time. But -- she says to say, “Hi.” But here, here's the thing, Rush. I'm thinking -- coming from Chicago, you know, where we -- we're just inundated with Barack and his ideas, I do believe that on some level the liberals understand the free market because whenever racism is becoming scarce, they do not hesitate to drill for more.
LIMBAUGH: No, they understand it. They just oppose it.
CALLER: OK. But they want it when it benefits them.
LIMBAUGH: Exactly right.
LIMBAUGH: So when, when a precious resource like racism becomes scarce --
CALLER: Exactly.
LIMBAUGH: -- they will go out and drill for new sources.
LIMBAUGH: You're exactly right. They understand the principle. They want it for themselves, just not anybody else. Liberals can have two sets of rules: One for the elites, the arrogants and the condescending elites, and the other set of rules for everybody else.
CALLER: Uh-hmm.
LIMBAUGH: They will exempt themselves from the limiting rules they place on everybody else.
CALLER: Yes. And you hit it right on with Barack. It -- they keep talking about all these reasons: Why is it the poll's so close? What's going on?
And it reminds me of that, that scene in Caddyshack -- I don't know if you're familiar with where Chevy Chase is trying to teach Bill Murray how to golf and he's kind of saying, “You're not, you're not ...” And he's standing behind him and he's trying to -- and he says, “You're not good.”
You know, it just reminds me of that. He's just not good.
LIMBAUGH: What did, what did he say? You're not what?
CALLER: He -- Chevy Chase --
LIMBAUGH: Oh. “You're not good. You're not good.”
CALLER: Yeah, he's tryin' to say, you know, you're not leaning, you're not doing -- you're not, you're not good."
You know, so it just reminds me of that. You know, he's just not cut out for the job. So --
LIMBAUGH: No, he's not. He's -- it's -- to me, it is striking how unqualified Obama is and how this whole thing came about with, within the Democrat Party. I think it really goes back to the fact that nobody had the guts to stand up and say no to a black guy. They just -- they were -- liberal policies are always going to end up strangling liberals, too.
And I think, I think this is a classic illustration here where affirmative action has reared its ugly head against them. It's the reverse of it. They've, they've ended up nominating and placing at the top of their ticket somebody who's not qualified, who has not earned it.
It's perfect affirmative action. And because of all this guilt and the historic nature of things, nobody had the guts to say, well, wait a minute, do we really want to do this?
So they do it and then they start behaving in manners and ways that let us know that they know that they've goofed up with the choice. Actually, it's been somewhat fascinating to watch.