Limbaugh on port deal opposition: "[I]t's a lynch mob"; Republicans “beating their chests like a bunch of Tarzans”

Rush Limbaugh characterized congressional opposition to the proposed transfer of operational control of six U.S. ports to Dubai Ports World -- a company owned by the government of Dubai -- as “a lynch mob.” Limbaugh added that Republicans are “sitting there beating their chests like a bunch of Tarzans.”


Audio file

On March 9, nationally syndicated radio host Rush Limbaugh characterized congressional opposition to the proposed transfer of operational control of six U.S. ports to Dubai Ports World -- a company owned by the government of Dubai -- as “a lynch mob.” Discussing bipartisan efforts to block the deal, which had been approved by the Bush administration, Limbaugh said: “It is just a lynch mob, and the Democrats and the Republicans are in a race here to see who can be more opposed to the port deal. The best and the fastest.” He added, “And in this contest, the Republicans have won, and they're sitting there beating their chests like a bunch of Tarzans.”

From the March 9 broadcast of The Rush Limbaugh Show:

LIMBAUGH: I am not kidding. Outsource Congress. They've gone from playing politics, and then they go to panic. Then they go to a stampede. Now it's a lynch mob. It is just a lynch mob, and the Democrats and the Republicans are in a race here to see who can be more opposed to the port deal. The best and the fastest. And in this contest, the Republicans have won, and they're sitting there beating their chests like a bunch of Tarzans. And everybody's watching this.