Limbaugh proclaims “the whole culture's been chickified,” explains Coulter's argument against women's suffrage Written by Media Matters Staff Published 08/21/09 5:00 PM EDT From the August 21 edition of Premiere Radio Network's The Rush Limbaugh Show: Video file Previously: Coulter: “If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president” Limbaugh asserts “chicks ... have chickified the news”; again refers to female reporter as “infobabe” Limbaugh calls CBS' Rodriguez an “anchorette,” then corrects to “anchor,” citing his “women's summit[s]” Limbaugh: “I'm making a supreme effort to ingratiate myself to the babes,” but female reporters asking Obama questions “are embarrassing” Despite own complaints about “chickification of the news,” Limbaugh criticized Rather's “pure sexism” toward Couric