From the August 17 edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Rush Limbaugh Show:
LIMBAUGH: If you're going to cut medical costs, the only way to do it is to cut it on people who -- on whom you spend it, and that's the sick. And I guarantee you, whether there's a death panel counseling you on your death at the end of your life, whether it's a government panel, or whether it's a doctor doing it or whoever, if there is -- and there is going to be a public option. There is no reason to have this kind of liberal reform without a public option. All this talk about a public option -- dropping it or maybe putting it back in, whatever they're going to call it -- if -- there's no reason to do this kind of reform from this standpoint -- from Obama, from the liberals in Congress -- without the government running it. If that's not on the table, there's no reason for them to reform it.
Do you think, for example, that if we're going to talk about reforming health care, that Obama will say, “Hey, let's look at some private sector reforms. Let's see [unintelligible] the private sector can maybe --.” That's not going to be on the table. And so if we're going to have health care reform, it's going to be what Obama wants. This is all these people have wanted for 50 years is the government to run it. Whether they call them health care exchanges or whether they call them the public option or whatever, there's not gonna be a health care plan that doesn't get us there at some point.