By Solange Uwimana
Rush Limbaugh kicked off his show today his show complaining about the media's incessant coverage of NBA free agent LeBron James and actress Lindsay Lohan. He bashed the media, of course, and especially ESPN, for obsessing over these stories while the oil spill rages on. He made his point by citing a Pew Research Center survey showing that the media's interest in the spill is trending down, then capped off his discussion by blaming this on President Obama. Rush claimed that Obama is keeping the media from covering the oil spill -- Limbaugh sarcastically called it a “private-sector-caused natural disaster” -- which fits with Obama's agenda to “hurt” fishermen and oil rig workers. Rush added that this is “payback.”
As on yesterday's show, Rush got in a dig at the new head of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Donald Berwick, calling his recess appointment “quasi-totalitarian” and referring to Berwick as “another czar.” Rush later read from a Daily Beast piece by Lloyd Grove, taking particular glee in the fact that people who were once “diehard” Obama supporters are now turning against him. Rush called the criticism “unprecedented” and took a “wild guess” at who was behind all of this: Bill Clinton. Though Rush stressed that he didn't know whether Clinton was involved in this Obama bashing, he nonetheless went on to claim that Clinton, because he was not mentioned in the Grove article, was going behind the scenes and encouraging his friends to criticize Obama in order to restore his place in the Democratic Party. Rush added that he wouldn't be surprised if the Clintons were sending signals that Obama is bad for the country, and said if he was a Clinton, he'd try to isolate Obama and knock him down a notch.
Rush continued to opine on a number of other issues, including the New Black Panthers voter intimidation case. He took his cues on the topic from GOP activist and former Justice Department attorney J. Christian Adams, who has been promoting the unsubstantiated claim that Obama's Justice Department is guilty of racially charged corruption. Rush claimed that the DOJ attorney handling the case was told to drop the charges against the New Black Panthers because the department doesn't pursue cases against black defendants. Rush added: “We have quotas and actual racism in the Department of Justice.” Media Matters has addressed those unsubstantiated allegations before. Rush later asserted that the reason Michelle Obama left her attorney position at Sidley & Austin in Chicago was because she “couldn't pass the bar exam,” adding, however, that he wasn't really sure about that claim. A mere 10 minutes later, Rush had to correct himself, saying that she did indeed pass the bar in 1989.
Here are some highlights from today's show:
Limbaugh says Berwick's recess appointment is “quasi-totalitarian,” calls Berwick “another czar”
Limbaugh says Obama is “actively” and “happily presiding over the decline of this country”