By Oliver Willis
Rush Limbaugh is not a fan of the electric Chevy Volt. Limbaugh claimed that he had turned down advertising from General Motors after the government took over the company, and that he did so because he opposed the idea of an electric car as currently implemented. Limbaugh said that an electric car would be moot anyway, because the energy policies enacted by President Obama and congressional Democrats would eliminate electricity. He said that in the past it cost 10 cents to buy an AIDS ribbon to show that “you care,” but now that the Volt costs $41,000, the cost of showing you care has increased.
Limbaugh said that President Obama's appearance on The View would “add estrogen” to the show, and that Obama told the Boy Scouts to “go to hell” rather than appear at their meeting. He said that Obama had “stiff[ed]” the Scouts because “there isn't a merit badge for community organizing.”
When the story about federal Judge Susan Bolton blocking portions of Arizona's immigration law broke, Limbaugh went on the attack. He called the judge an activist (an accusation he also leveled at Justice Sonia Sotomayor and Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan), and argued that she had “ruled on the spin” while admitting he didn't have time to review the entire ruling while doing his show. Limbaugh said that she had bought the “horse manure” that's part of the American left.
Highlights from today's show:
Limbaugh says subprime crisis was result of a “giant conspiracy” on the left
Limbaugh falsely claims affordable housing caused financial meltdown
Obama “stiff[ed]” Boy Scouts “probably because there isn't a merit badge for community organizing”
Limbaugh: Under Obama, “there isn't going to be any electricity to drive a car with”
Limbaugh: I “turned down” GM advertisements because he doesn't support electric cars