Rush: Americans “Bordering on Hate” for Establishment Politicians

By Greg Lewis and Brooke Obie

Rush began his program today with what seems to be his weekly rant about the media's template reporting on the economy. He roundly mocked AP and Reuters for reporting on “unexpected” changes in unemployment and wholesale prices.

Then Rush changed gears to talk about Obama's deficit commission headed by Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson. Rush was annoyed that Bowles and Simpson would take the job when the commission was “a sham.” Rush repeated his idea from yesterday that the commission's purpose was to absolve Obama and Democrats in Congress from responsibility for the deficit.

After the break. Rush continued to discuss the deficit commission. Rush insisted he was not suggesting this, but asked what if everyone stopped paying taxes? He wasn't suggesting it, just asking, and added that our future was Greece. Rush also referred to Obama's support for building new nuclear power plants and said that it was something we don't want the government involved in, and called Obama a destroyer.

Then Rush turned to the stimulus, and said that the money to pay for it was being taken out of the private sector to be relocated to Obama's political cronies. Rush added that it would only pay for stopgap measures, and claimed that there is no economic growth in the private sector.

After commenting on a plane crash in Austin, Rush went back to the stimulus “slush fund” and made two observations. The first was that yesterday, “near criminals” Obama and Biden said the stimulus saved us from another Great Depression. If that is so, asked Rush, then why are we stopping? (Huh? Stopping? Most of the stimulus funds haven't even been spent yet.)

Rush's second observation about the stimulus was that it was TARP that was supposed to stave off the next depression, not the stimulus. (Could it be both?) Anyway, Rush went on about how the stimulus was a disaster and a failure. He continued:

LIMBAUGH: The way this $862 billion stimulus is going to be paid back is in the form of votes, kicking you out of town. I mean this from the bottom of my heart. The people of this country right now are bordering on hate for all these establishment politicians, and that hate, that borderline hate is ratcheted up each and every time Obama and Biden -- whoever else -- Pelosi and Reid get on TV and insult their intelligence.

The people who are going to repay the stimulus by getting rid of everybody whose responsible for it love their country. They love the founding principles and have a borderline hate for the people who have caused this. Mark my words. Do not doubt me.

Next, Rush noted that the New York media was ripping New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie for his proposed spending cuts, and said that the New Jersey Democrats were rolling out a “parade of victims” to attack him.

Then Rush had on a caller who asked Rush to clarify why he was against the deficit commission if he is in favor of reducing the deficit. Rush came up the analogy that the commission would be like if Rush crashed a plane into the caller's home and then called for a commission to examine how it happened. He explained, the people destroying our country are asking “retreads” to come up with ideas like massive tax hikes that can't be pinned on the administration. The next caller said he never supported Obama on anything, but he was inclined to be proud about Obama's support for nuclear power. Rush warned the caller not to fall for a lie, and predicted the nuclear power plants promised would never be built because everything Obama says is a lie.

Rush defends Christie's proposed cuts; lauds Rubio, Cheney CPAC speeches

As the second hour commenced, Rush spent a considerable amount of time defending Chris Christie from attacks to his proposed spending cuts, and aired various audio clips of Christie defending his cuts. Rush said the local media was trying to destroy Christie and referring to Christie's opponents as stuck pigs.

After the break, Rush commented on the Conservative Political Action Conference which kicked off earlier today. Rush aired clips from Dick Cheney's surprise appearance at the convention as well as clips from Senate candidate Marco Rubio's speech, which as Rush described, “brought down the house.”

Then, responding to a caller's complaint about taxes, Rush said:

LIMBAUGH: I'm telling you, there's one of two choices going on here: We have a willing, purposeful sabotage of the United States of America, or the biggest bunch of bumbling naive idiots we've ever seen, and I don't think it's the latter. Nobody's this dumb. Nobody is this bumbling, and nobody is this naive.

If they really wanted to fix this, they could see the destruction their policies have done, they'd do a 180 for the sole purpose of getting re-elected. They're more intent on destroying what it has -- what has led to you being able to earn money to even complain about the tax rate. They want to be able to redistribute as much of what everybody earns as possible to create as many serfs and dependents on them as they can and destroy the U.S. private sector.

Following another break, Rush said his new favorite mayor was Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman for apparently declining an invitation to meet with Obama. Then Rush discussed a story that House Democrats wouldn't offer a single health care proposal at next week's summit. This led to more rambling from Rush about the stimulus and how Obama's presidency was “a lost presidency.”

Rush blind to numerous GOP retirements in the House

Rush kicked off the final hour of today's show by reading an American Thinker article on “the re-establishment of America” in full. Rush agreed with the article that there would be big political bloodletting, but added that it would be at the Democratic side. Rush added that there is a “revolution coming” huge and big time and it is going to be directed at Barack Obama and Democrats. Rush made the point that a Democrat wasn't elected to replace Ted Kennedy, Jon Corzine, of Tim Kaine, and said he didn't see a while lot of Republicans quitting (well, except for all the ones who are -- 18 House Republicans retiring at the last tally).

After the break, Rush enlightened a caller on the real reasons Sen. Evan Bayh (D-IN) was not seeking re-election in November: 1) he wants to run for office in the future and stepping down now would allow him to keep the $13 million he has left over in his treasury; and 2) he has to distance himself from Obama, because any candidate who invokes Obama and his policies on the campaign trail will not have a “prayer” of winning a future office.

Another caller gently rebuked Rush's support of Wall Street, to which Rush responded that he “despise[d]” this “class envy” that “the Democrat Party has been playing ... in order to buy votes” from middle-class Americans. He claimed the Democrats lie and say “we're going to make your lives better, attack the fat cats,” but then the Democrats “become partners” with the fat cats:

LIMBAUGH: I hate the the notion that a vast majority of American people were persuaded to despise the business community. You look at the Democrat Party enemies list -- it is big oil, big pharmaceutical, it is big retail, it is - anything. Big business large and small are targeted by these people and for the express purpose of making people like you hate them intuitively, and I despise that. I hate it.


Besides, all these securities agencies, all these Wall Street things, it was Congress that had oversight of all this supposedly, and there were a number of people who tried to stop all these shenanigans going on, and Barney Frank and Chris Dodd shut them down. There's no accountability at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. There's no accountability at government for any of this stuff, although there will be in November. Now, I'm not -- all I'm telling you is, I have a much greater fear for the future of this country and a much greater animosity for the Democrat Party, which is ruining this country, than I do for anybody in business -- much more.

Finally, the last caller fretted about what the “goal of liberal Democrats” is. Rush instead opted to explain Obama's specific agenda, but was first kind enough to give a little background on who Obama is and how he was raised:

LIMBAUGH: You have to look at who Obama was educated by -- people who hated the country. He was educated by a bunch of Marxists and Communists -- those were his mentors, including his father. When he went off to school, wherever it was, it was people who hated the country. When he chose a pastor, it was a pastor that hated the country. I think Obama looks at this country as immoral and unjust. He thinks that the poor and lower middle class have had the wealth that is rightfully theirs stolen by other people. It is his intention to return the nation's wealth quote-unquote to its rightful owners. I think Obama thinks the United States is unfair. He thinks capitalism is criminal because not everybody ends up with the same amount of things. And he is -- he's got a great animosity for the achievers of this country, a great animosity for the people who've make it work. I think he abhors capitalism, and he is damn certain he is going to change it.


Look, there's only one of two things going on here: Either he is a bumbling, inept, uneducated little idiot, or this is all on purpose. And if it's on purpose, the why really doesn't really matter, it just has to be stopped.

Michael Timberlake contributed to this edition of the Limbaugh Wire.


Outrageous comments

LIMBAUGH: The way this $862 billion stimulus is going to be paid back is in the form of votes, kicking you out of town. I mean this from the bottom of my heart. The people of this country right now are bordering on hate for all these establishment politicians, and that hate, that borderline hate is ratcheted up each and every time Obama and Biden -- whoever else -- Pelosi and Reid get on TV and insult their intelligence.

The people who are going to repay the stimulus by getting rid of everybody whose responsible for it love their country. They love the founding principles and have a borderline hate for the people who have caused this. Mark my words. Do not doubt me.


LIMBAUGH: I'm telling you, there's one of two choices going on here: We have a willing, purposeful sabotage of the United States of America, or the biggest bunch of bumbling naive idiots we've ever seen, and I don't think it's the latter. Nobody's this dumb. Nobody is this bumbling, and nobody is this naive. If they really wanted to fix this, they could see the destruction their policies have done, they'd do a 180 for the sole purpose of getting re-elected. They're more intent on destroying what it has -- what has led to you being able to earn money to even complain about the tax rate. They want to be able to redistribute as much of what everybody earns as possible to create as many serfs and dependents on them as they can and destroy the U.S. private sector.


LIMBAUGH: I hate the the notion that a vast majority of American people were persuaded to despise the business community. You look at the Democrat Party enemies list -- it is big oil, big pharmaceutical, it is big retail, it is - anything. Big business large and small are targeted by these people and for the express purpose of making people like you hate them intuitively, and I despise that. I hate it.


Besides, all these securities agencies, all these Wall Street things, it was Congress that had oversight of all this supposedly, and there were a number of people who tried to stop all these shenanigans going on, and Barney Frank and Chris Dodd shut them down. There's no accountability at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. There's no accountability at government for any of this stuff, although there will be in November. Now, I'm not -- all I'm telling you is, I have a much greater fear for the future of this country and a much greater animosity for the Democrat Party, which is ruining this country, than I do for anybody in business -- much more.


LIMBAUGH: You have to look at who Obama was educated by -- people who hated the country. He was educated by a bunch of Marxists and Communists -- those were his mentors, including his father. When he went off to school, wherever it was, it was people who hated the country. When he chose a pastor, it was a pastor that hated the country. I think Obama looks at this country as immoral and unjust. He thinks that the poor and lower middle class have had the wealth that is rightfully theirs stolen by other people. It is his intention to return the nation's wealth quote-unquote to its rightful owners. I think Obama thinks the United States is unfair. He thinks capitalism is criminal because not everybody ends up with the same amount of things. And he is -- he's got a great animosity for the achievers of this country, a great animosity for the people who've make it work. I think he abhors capitalism, and he is damn certain he is going to change it.


LIMBAUGH: Look, there's only one of two things going on here: Either he is a bumbling, inept, uneducated little idiot, or this is all on purpose. And if it's on purpose, the why really doesn't really matter, it just has to be stopped.