Rush: Scott Brown “destroyed this Martha Coakley”
Kicking off the birthday episode of his show, El Rushbo complained that he's featured in “an attack ad” by Martha Coakley in the Massachusetts special election for Sen. Edward Kennedy's former seat. Rush said he was pleased by GOP candidate Scott Brown's response to a question from moderator David Gergen during last night's debate and concluded the clip with a chorus of his infamous “right on, right on, right on.” He later gave both Coakley and Brown some free advertising by playing a campaign ad from each of them.
A little later, Rush brought up the new political insider book Game Change and lamented that there was little about President Obama in the book. He decided to spend time bashing John Edwards for “using” his wife's cancer for fundraising and later that this book spells the end of the Clinton political machine.
Back from his first break, Rush ordered call screener Bo Snerdly to fetch him some coffee, a reference to something Bill Clinton may or may not have said to Ted Kennedy about Barack Obama. He finished his first half hour by, yet again, falsely claiming that there would be no benefits of health care reform for “four years.”
After another break, Rush read at length from an article about a survey of business owners to continue his crazy accusations that Obama is “purposefully” trying to ruin the economy in order to redistribute wealth.
Next, Rush decided to quote from a CBS News Poll on President Obama's approval ratings, specifically focusing on his 36 percent approval on health care. Unfortunately for Rush, as Greg Sargent points out, this seems to be due to the fact that more Americans think the health care reform efforts don't go far enough.
El Rushbo finished the first hour of today's show by reading from a conservative blog about Martha Coakley's assertion that Al Qaeda wasn't really present in Afghanistan anymore. Despite Rush's criticism of Coakley, her remarks are supported by military and security experts and officials -- including General David Petraeus, the head of U.S. Central Command -- who agree that Al Qaeda's presence in Afghanistan is diminished. Is Rush disagreeing about terrorism with the general who led the Iraq surge to success?
Rush criticizes others on racially charged comments
Rush began the second hour of his show by continuing to make fun of a Facebook group set up in support of Sen. Harry Reid, suggesting it change its name to “light-skinned Negroes without dialects for Harry Reid.” He decided to devote the entire segment to this issue. Of course, Rush is probably the last person who should be talking about racially charged comments. He continued to devote time to this throughout his show.
Next, Rush read a blog post by one of his favorite crappy right-wing news sources about how many Senate seats the Democratic Party could lose in this year's elections. After taking a call from a woman who says she uses his show to prepare for her college classes daily, Limbaugh felt the need to rant on what he considers to be Obama's beliefs about America:
LIMBAUGH: America is ready to try to assuage its guilt over the original sin of slavery. You get a light-skinned negro with no dialect out there and you put him on the ticket and bammo! He sounds smart, can do it. But whether that's true or not, Sarah, make no mistake about this, this is Obama's agenda. He is not a figurehead when it comes to this. Obama is animated, he's not a cool, calm customer, he's a cold, calculating one.
And he has a vision of America that is not yours and not mine. The way he's been educated on this country is not the way you and I were educated. He believes that this country has exploited the world for selfish reasons, that we have plundered the earth of resources that belonged to other poor people in poor countries, all to make our lifestyles advanced. That we have gotten wealthy in unjust and immoral ways. That we have -- have -- spread pestilence, that we have caused war, that we have killed billions of people. This is what he was educated to believe and it's what he does believe. And he's got a chip on his shoulder about this country. He's out to change it.
When he says he's gonna remake America, he means it and this is exactly what he's doing. And his economic plans are falling right into play. The redistribution of wealth, the prevention of the creation of wealth in the future. This is - he believes that the real - I've always said the way to understand Obama is that he seeks to return the nation's wealth to its rightful owners. Now, in his view, the rightful owners are unions, working families, which are unions, minorities, women, whatever. The evil majority in this country, which in his view, has always been white needs to be taken down a peg. They have unfairly enriched themselves at the expense of everybody else.
Rush joins a Glenn Beck/Alex Jones conspiracy theory
At the start of the third hour, Rush read in full a Heritage Foundation blog post about stimulus spending. Fortunately, Heritage got its characterization of an Associated Press analysis on stimulus spending on infrastructure largely correct (Rush was just a bit off when he talked about it yesterday). Rush then decided to join noted conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and Glenn Beck in some fearmongering over an Executive Order establishing a bipartisan advisory council on homeland security, claiming that it is “federalizing” the National Guard. El Rushbo, who has previously promoted Jones' website, now stands with Beck in promoting the crazy conspiracy theory that President Obama is forming a “civilian national security force”:
LIMBAUGH: Now, Obama said in the campaign, we cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong and just as well funded.
He said that in 2008 -- in the campaign. You stop and think about that. 'Just as well funded as the US military'? The military budget is what, $600 billion a year? Stop and think of that. We spent more on the stimulus than on national defense, but anyway. So we're gonna spend $600 billion on a civilian national security force, just as powerful as the U.S. military? Can anybody say posse comitatus?
Then we have this executive order from yesterday. And I'm really scratching my head over what this means, based on his campaign promise - or not promise - but his statement: 'We can't continue to rely on our military in order to achieve national security objectives that we've set. We gotta have a civilian national security force just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded?'
Later, Rush took a series of callers, ending with a woman who seemed to suggest “Going Galt” to harm the economy, and thus, Obama's policies. After a discussion that included a suggestion that Rush purchase a Boeing jet to help the economy, Rush ended it on his overused accusation that everything happening to the economy was being done on purpose by Obama and claimed that it makes his blood boil to see what's happening to ordinary Americans, who don't have their own private jet.
Earlier, Rush's staff had regaled him with a chorus of “happy birthday” and presented him a cake, which he and a staff member described as a “light-skinned cake”:
LIMBAUGH: What kind of cake is it?
STAFF MEMBER: White trash.LIMBAUGH: White -- [laughter] Don't say that. Not today. Of all the -- [laughter]
SNERDLY: It's light-skinned cake.
LIMBAUGH: Light-skinned cake.
SNERDLY: Light-skinned cake.
LIMBAUGH: Light-skinned cake.
We at the Limbaugh Wire would like to conclude this edition by wishing Rush a happy birthday.
Kitty Kaletsky and Michael Timberlake contributed to this edition of the Limbaugh Wire.