From the February 26 edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Rush Limbaugh Show:
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RUSH LIMBAUGH: Chris Christie has gone way off the reservation doing this endorsement of Trump. This is way off. This is -- I've been thinking about this. It happened, it was unexpected, and I've been following as it happens down there on commercial breaks and I was starting to think this is really -- I'm not talking about Christie's stature within the establishment, just his membership. This is a major defection. This is the kind of stuff Romney was trying to stop by bringing up this tax problem. But this, essentially -- now, there are some caveats. It looks, to anybody watching this, like it's over. That Trump's going to be the nominee, so it's not as though Christie broke ranks early on. It looks like he is breaking ranks, but he is endorsing the party nominee. But you and I both know, this is not what the party wants. They may have to act like it is by the end of the summer. But they don't want this, they don't want Trump to be their nominee. And they are still, I guarantee you, plotting ways to prevent this from actually happening.