Rush Limbaugh suggests “ban on Chinese passengers” entering the United States over coronavirus
Rush Limbaugh suggests “ban on Chinese passengers” entering the United States

Audio file
From the January 27, 2020, edition of Premiere Networks’ The Rush Limbaugh Show
RUSH LIMBAUGH (HOST): In fact, you know, this virus from the Chi-Coms — I am seriously wondering, with all of this that’s happening out there, this impeachment, is this government doing enough? Is it focused enough to actually protect the country from it? The stock market is, last I looked right before the program began, it's — every stock is down for the most part. It’s the market overall, DJI down 300 points.
And I don’t see where we’ve put any ban on Chinese passengers being permitted into the country. This is a serious thing that could be brewing out there, and just a question that I'm asking.