Rush Limbaugh Tries To Whitewash A Historic Five Year Collapse Of His Business Model

Limbaugh's Brand Is So Toxic That 96 Percent Of Major Radio Advertisers Are Still Boycotting Him, And He Has Cost Radio Stations Hundreds Of Millions

Rush Limbaugh claimed his advertisers have “phenomenal success” on his program in an attempt to whitewash the collapse of his business model, initiated by an advertiser boycott following his 2012 sexist meltdown over Sandra Fluke. Limbaugh's toxic brand has cost radio stations hundreds of millions of dollars, and 48 out of 50 of the largest radio advertisers are still boycotting Limbaugh's program. Major radio stations in several key media markets have dropped Limbaugh from their lineups, including California's KOWL, one of Limbaugh's “original” affiliates. Due in part to the decline of his show’s commercial value, Limbaugh was reportedly forced to take a pay cut this year when he renewed his contract. From the November 1 edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Rush Limbaugh Show: ​

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RUSH LIMBAUGH (HOST): A couple of weeks ago, we had an advertiser, a sponsor dinner here where as many of our sponsors -- we try to pick a date where as many as possible can get here. And I made remarks, as I usually do, and I want to tell you something I told them. They all have phenomenal success on this program, and that's because of you. And I told them, I gave them my philosophy of this job, my program, and how I go about, what I think the objectives are that have to be met. The business objectives. And I told them that what enables them to have success as advertisers and sponsors of this program is you and how the relationship that I have with you is what makes everything work and that I do this program for the audience. It's a focus of mine that I've had since day one. That everything here is done, everything is for the show, not for outside interests or not for anything other than you. The service, the reasons you're here, and to meet the expectations you have of what you expect to hear, the level of competence, the talent. Everything you expect, I try to meet that and surpass it, each and every day. And I told them in no uncertain terms, that the wonderful aspect of all this is the connection that I have developed with you. The people who listen to the program. And it’s what makes their advertising work. And I said it's because there is a mutual respect and a sophistication on the part of people that listen to this program, who understand how things work. They understand why there are sponsors, they understand the role sponsors play in the success of a commercial enterprise like this in the free market. We don't have donors. We don't have underwriters. We don't have people making pledges. This all has to make it or break it within the market. And I praised to the hilt those of you in this audience for your sophistication and your understanding of how things work and your loyalty. And I just, I really do, I consider it to be a matter of great fortune for me that just by virtue of the fact that I can come here every day and just shoot from the hip and be totally honest about what I think about things that are happening that resonates with so many of you is a godsend. It is a blessing. And I have never taken it for granted. Meaning I never assume that you're going to be here no matter what.