By Greg Lewis
Limbaugh on “stories” about how “the black frame of mind is terrible”: “Tiger Woods' choice of females not helping 'em out”
Rush got his show started today saying that it was a “crying shame” that “President Hoax and Change's” speech at the Brookings Institution earlier today was not in prime time so all of America could have had the chance to listen to Obama's “latest version” of “I inherited” and “I am great.” Rush blasted Obama for dumping on the Bush administration in his speech and criticizing TARP's flaws, even though his own Treasury Secretary “designed” it. Rush again called Obama an “immature little kid.”
Rush continued his screed about Obama's “sweeping series of lies” and his lack of credibility. Rush then claimed that Obama voted for “everything that caused these deficits” when he was in the Senate. (Is Rush suggesting that Bush didn't run up any deficits before 2005? Because that isn't so.) Rush said he wanted George W. Bush to come out of the woodwork to defend his record because this is getting out of hand.
Then Rush added that any recovery in the economy “is happening in spite of [Obama], not because of him.” Making another false claim about the deficit, Rush said that Obama “has added more to the deficit than George Bush did in eight years.” But once again, that's not true.
Then Limbaugh referenced what he said were “stories” “about how black unemployment is through the roof...The black frame of mind is terrible.” He followed it up with a remark about Tiger Woods' “choice of females”:
LIMBAUGH: Now I tell you what's going on here with this. The Reverend Jackson -- and I've got two more stories in the stack today about how black unemployment is through the roof, black unemployment is terrible. The black frame of mind is terrible, they're depressed, they're down -- Obama's not doing anything for 'em. How is that hoax and change workin' for ya? They're all -- they're all livid. I mean, they thought they were gonna be an exact 180-degree economic reversal, and it's done nothing but get bad for everybody, but they're especially upset about it because they look at him as one of them, and now they feel abandoned. And I'm sure Tiger Woods' choice of females not helping 'em out with their attitudes there either.
After the break, Limbaugh continued with his Bush-era deficit revisionism:
LIMBAUGH: Let's not forget also, my friends, as I have just recently been reminded, that the Democrats have been in charge of everything on Capitol Hill since 2006 -- everything since 2006. And remember, George W. Bush was going along with them for much of it.
Then Rush rattled off a string of adjectives to describe Obama's Brookings speech: “unbecoming,” “childish,” “immature,” etc. Rush then commented on Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's slavery comments. Rush accused Reid of playing the “race card” at Obama's orders. Rush also claimed that it was the Democratic Party that stood in the way of civil rights legislation.
Going back to Obama's speech today, Rush continued to criticize the president for claiming we've experienced the “largest swing” in growth in nearly three decades. Rush claimed that there is “no expansion” and said Obama's audacity was breathtaking because businesses won't expand until we dispose of health care and cap and trade.
Following another break, Rush read a Reuters article on the number of homeless families increasing. Rush used this to assert that the news today doesn't jibe with what Obama said in his speech. He then continued airing sound bites from the speech and criticizing it point by point. Rush called Obama's use of TARP funds a “slush fund” for the stimulus, which Rush claimed was against the original TARP law.
Then Rush went into his usual tirade about how “people like Obama” created the mortgage crisis by way of the Community Reinvestment Act:
LIMBAUGH: You know what, that's primarily in reference to is the subprime mortgage crisis -- again, brought to us by people like Barack Obama, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, forcing banks to make loans to people who couldn't pay them back. There's -- the Reverend Jackson, in the sound bite we played of him, basically accused the banks of redlining blacks, browns, and minorities. But if they were redlining 'em, they wouldn't have gotten loans, and they did get loans, and the Reverend Jackson is upset the loans they got are in foreclosure. So they couldn't have been redlined.
There was no truth to Limbaugh's revisionist history of the mortgage crisis the first few dozen times he told this story, and it remains as false as it did on all those occasions.
Then Rush commented on the part of Obama's speech when he talked about reading letters from children whose parents have been affected by the economy. Rush said that the people writing him letters probably just want money from Obama's stash.
Rush closed out the hour reading an article from the American Thinker comparing the hoax of Tiger Woods to the hoax that is Barack Obama. Rush finished the article as the second hour began, and noted that you need a compliant media to perpetuate the kind of hoax that Woods and Obama have, be it the global warming “hoax” or the financial crisis “hoax.”
Rush continued on his usual rant about how Obama has been taught how this country sucks, is unfair/immoral/unjust and has destroyed the rest of the world. Therefore, as Rush put it, Obama is uninterested in ending the war in Afghanistan and “is uninterested in the science behind global warming and wishes to use the issue to amass power and reorder society.”
Then Rush concluded his bit on Obama and Tiger Woods by repeating that Obama's deception is the same as Woods', and noted that independents who voted for him are starting to abandon “Barack Woods” or “Tiger Obama.”
Before the break, Rush read an article about starving polar bears reverting to cannibalism. Rush refuted the notion that this had anything to do with global warming because male polar bears eating other polar bear cubs is something that does occur in nature. Rush returned from the break and noted that dead polar bears would mean less methane emissions, which he posited must be a good thing in regards to global warming.
Then Rush took a caller who was distressed about Obama's speech as a small business owner because nothing he said was going to help small businesses. The next caller started off by pointing out Reid's “hypocrisy” regarding his slavery comments, and ended ranting about Obama's destruction of the economy. It was essentially the same thing Rush says himself day in and day out, and he seemed thrilled to let the caller repeat it all back to him -- uninterrupted -- for several minutes.
Rush responds to Reid's slavery comments by comparing health care reform to Nazi policy
After another break, Rush got back to his earlier claim about how Democrats were the ones who blocked civil rights in the '60s. Rush noted that Democrat Robert Byrd filibustered legislation, as well as then-Democrat Strom Thurmond and others. Rush continued to speak out loudly against health care reform:
LIMBAUGH: It's all a public option. It's all about the federal government controlling every aspect of every human being's life in this country, that's what this bill's about, with health care and costs as the mechanism to achieve that goal. This is the way totalitarian systems seek to cement their power. They've all tried it with health care. The Nazis did it, long before the Holocaust.
Sen. McConnell calls to reassure Rush that Republicans are indeed being obstructionist on health care
Then Rush noted that yesterday he was distressed when he heard Sen. Jon Kyl say that Republican amendments on the health care bill weren't meant to stop the bill, and that “we don't want to be seen as obstructionists.” But he was soon reassured by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell:
LIMBAUGH: [W]e got a call from Mitch McConnell's office yesterday, saying, Well, Kyl doesn't speak to the leadership, and we are trying to stop this thing." So that's what McConnell's office called H.R., and H.R. dutifully reported back to me, 'cause it would do no good for H.R. to know it and then not tell me, so he told me, so I can then tell you that that's what they're saying, that they are trying to stop this.
After some more standard Limbaugh fearmongering on “radical leftists” running the government and cutting Medicare, Rush stated that he didn't believe Medicare cuts would make it into the final health care bill -- it was just included to get a favorable Congressional Budget Office score:
LIMBAUGH: If the final product of this has $500 billion in Medicare cuts, then that alone is a death panel. And that will convince me that this administration, the Democrat Party, is totally on board with the elderly passing away. Because they represent a problem -- they're informed, they're educated, they have a memory of a better time in this country.
If they follow through on this, then people's deepest suspicions will be confirmed. They're essentially saying that elderly people -- we're just not going to treat you. We're just not -- we don't have the money, it's not worth it, you're too old, and besides, you know too much.
Rush concluded the hour reading an article from the UK Guardian about the “Danish text” leak at the Copenhagen climate conference causing “disarray” among third world countries. He also read a recent IBD editorial about how climate change legislation would “target” the economy. Rush said there were two competing interests on climate change -- fleecing the U.S. versus keeping the word's poor poor. Rush figured it was “still about” fleecing the U.S., but was also about keeping money in the hands of people who were doing the fleecing and not redistributing it to the world's poor. (Color us confused by Rush's twisted logic.)
Rush to Mikulski: “Nazis did exactly what you are doing in health care”
Rush began the third hour by pondering what Rev. Wright would say about the Copenhagen conference and the leaked “Danish text.” He then read about the “liberal group” the Velvet Revolution putting a “bounty” on the head of the Chamber of Congress CEO. After some various sound bites, Rush got to one featuring Sen. Barbara Boxer on the Senate floor talking about Viagra in regards to a potential health care amendment that would restrict abortion.
After the break, Rush took a caller who agreed with McConnell's stance on health care obstructionism. Then he continued on the abortion theme:
LIMBAUGH: But I have the same shock and dismay that people do not look at what Obama's doing. I mean, essentially we're aborting the private sector. We're looking at a living, breathing country on our own sonogram here, and we're looking at Obama wanna abort it.
Then he responded to Sen. Barbara Mikulski's comments in which she said that insurance-mandated “coerced sterilizations” were like what the Nazis did. Frequent Nazi-invoker Rush responded:
LIMBAUGH: So she's comparing health insurers here to Nazis. All right now, she did that, right? She put it out there. Do we all agree? Now I, El Rushbo, am going to respond -- just as when Pelosi called us all Nazis during the tea parties. I responded, but they conveniently forgot that Pelosi started it. So here's Mikulski. And she has just said what the insurance companies are doing, the Nazis did. Now, she's talking about the Holocaust, right? I'm not gonna talk about the Holocaust. But, Ms. Mikulski, the Nazis did exactly what you are doing in health care. They sought to nationalize it, put themselves in charge of it because they could regulate every citizen's life. And isn't that what you and your Democrat colleagues are doing in not just the Senate, but the House as well? So if you wanna start making comparisons to the national socialists, be careful where it may lead others.
Rush then returned from another commercial to read from Eugene Robinson's column about the alleged Tiger Woods affairs. Rush practiced restraint in making any more off-color comments about the matter. Then, after more crowing about the use of repaid TARP money and what Rev. Wright would say about it, Rush played a new Shanklin parody about Obama's Afghanistan strategy to the tune of “Runaway” by Del Shannon.
Then Rush read a report that cancer rates continue to decline, and commented that this was happening while Obama has been saying the current state of our health delivery system was in shambles. Finally, Rush referred to another Reuters piece about how many prostate cancers caught by screenings “may not lead to death.” With little shock to any regular Limbaugh Wire frequenter, this led to Rush making baseless assertions that prostate cancer screenings would be reduced along with mammograms.
Zachary Aronow and Zachary Pleat contributed to this edition of the Limbaugh Wire.
Outrageous comments
LIMBAUGH: This economy, if it is fighting back -- this economy, if it is showing some sort of trend to the positive, is happening in spite of him, not because of him.
LIMBAUGH: In one year, Barack Obama has added more to the deficit than George Bush did in eight years.
LIMBAUGH: Black unemployment is terrible. The black frame of mind is terrible, they're depressed, they're down -- Obama's not doing anything for 'em. How is that hoax and change workin' for ya? They're all -- they're all livid. I mean, they thought they were gonna be an exact 180-degree economic reversal, and it's done nothing but get bad for everybody, but they're especially upset about it because they look at him as one of them, and now they feel abandoned. And I'm sure Tiger Woods' choice of females not helping 'em out with their attitudes there either.
LIMBAUGH: Let's not forget also, my friends, as I have just recently been reminded, that the Democrats have been in charge of everything on Capitol Hill since 2006 -- everything since 2006. And remember, George W. Bush was going along with them for much of it.
LIMBAUGH: He has no clue how to end an overseas conflict successfully -- not even interested in it. It matters that he is uninterested in the science behind global warming and wishes to use the issue to amass power and reorder society. It matters that he has no interest in the construction of policy.
LIMBAUGH: It's all a public option. It's all about the federal government controlling every aspect of every human being's life in this country, that's what this bill's about, with health care and costs as the mechanism to achieve that goal. This is the way totalitarian systems seek to cement their power. They've all tried it with health care. The Nazis did it, long before the Holocaust.
LIMBAUGH: If the final product of this has $500 billion in Medicare cuts, then that alone is a death panel. And that will convince me that this administration, the Democrat Party, is totally on board with the elderly passing away. Because they represent a problem -- they're informed, they're educated, they have a memory of a better time in this country.
LIMBAUGH: If they follow through on this, then people's deepest suspicions will be confirmed. They're essentially saying that elderly people -- we're just not going to treat you. We're just not -- we don't have the money, it's not worth it, you're too old, and besides, you know too much.
LIMBAUGH: But I have the same shock and dismay that people do not look at what Obama's doing. I mean, essentially we're aborting the private sector. We're looking at a living, breathing country on our own sonogram here, and we're looking at Obama wanna abort it.
LIMBAUGH: So she's comparing health insurers here to Nazis. All right now, she did that, right? She put it out there. Do we all agree? Now I, El Rushbo, am going to respond -- just as when Pelosi called us all Nazis during the tea parties. I responded, but they conveniently forgot that Pelosi started it. So here's Mikulski. And she has just said what the insurance companies are doing, the Nazis did. Now, she's talking about the Holocaust, right? I'm not gonna talk about the Holocaust. But, Ms. Mikulski, the Nazis did exactly what you are doing in health care. They sought to nationalize it, put themselves in charge of it because they could regulate every citizen's life. And isn't that what you and your Democrat colleagues are doing in not just the Senate, but the House as well? So if you wanna start making comparisons to the national socialists, be careful where it may lead others.
Enemies list
LIMBAUGH: I tell ya, the only thing going on in the Senate that distresses me -- and I've been told I'm wrong about this -- I read a quote by Senator Kyl, who said “We're not trying to slow things down here, we're offering amendments and we don't want to be seen as obstructionists, because we, you know, we want the independent vote.” The independents are moving to the Republicans anyway right now. This must be stopped, not -- we got a call from Mitch McConnell's office yesterday, saying, Well, Kyl doesn't speak to the leadership, and we are trying to stop this thing." So that's what McConnell's office called H.R., and H.R. dutifully reported back to me, 'cause it would do no good for H.R. to know it and then not tell me, so he told me, so I can then tell you that that's what they're saying, that they are trying to stop this.
Good, because this is not something that needs to be debated, even on the merits or on the margins. This is something that needs to be stopped, just like cap-and-trade needs to be stopped. This is where we should all be proud to say, “Yep! We are just saying no to this. We're saying no to statism, we're saying no to Marxism, we're saying no to the overthrow of our Constitution. We're saying no to this.”
America's Truth Rejector
LIMBAUGH: You know what, that's primarily in reference to is the subprime mortgage crisis -- again, brought to us by people like Barack Obama, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, forcing banks to make loans to people who couldn't pay them back. There's -- the Reverend Jackson, in the sound bite we played of him, basically accused the banks of redlining blacks, browns, and minorities. But if they were redlining 'em, they wouldn't have gotten loans, and they did get loans, and the Reverend Jackson is upset the loans they got are in foreclosure. So they couldn't have been redlined.