Palin May Ban Recordings At College Appearance

Plans for an upcoming speech by Sarah Palin in June at a California college apparently are being made without access for video or sound recordings by local or campus media, according to McClatchy.

McClatchy reports that Palin is due to appear at the California State University, Stanislaus, on June 25, but without local media being able to record or video the appearance.

“Palin has imposed similar electronic blackouts at some of her other recent speeches, including several delivered in Florida last month and one delivered in Arkansas in February,” the story stated.

“Remember, it's a black-tie gala fundraiser,” University Spokeswoman Eve Hightower told McClatchy. “Guests anticipate an elegant evening with a five-course dinner and dancing. But, we are working out how to accommodate reporters.”

Hightower said only that “some B-roll footage is possible and is being considered.”

So much for open access.