Hannity obsessions collide: Breathlessly reports Jennings “wrote the forward” for a book that Ayers “wrote a blurb for the back” of Written by Media Matters Staff Published 10/01/09 10:01 PM EDT From the October 1 edition of Fox News' Hannity: Video file Previously: Hannity: “I think” Obama "is Jeremiah Wright ... I say he is Bill Ayers -- not the terrorist, but the radical" Media reach to invoke Ayers in attacks on Obama's speech to students Easton on Hannity's Ayers-Wright obsession: “Sean, you need to get over it” Is Sean Hannity's jealousy driving him to reckless smears? Despite evidence to contrary, Fox News machine claims Jennings “cover[ed] up statutory rape” Hannity hunting for Jennings' scalp: “I want him fired!”