BILL O'REILLY: This is coming to your neighborhood if the Democrats win the House, the Senate, and the Presidency. Because Biden, as we all know is not going to forge policy, he's not. So that we the individual Americans lose our power -- we have power now, alright. We can vote, but if there's only one person to vote for, one party -- let me give you one more Hannity and this is the most stunning. Joe Biden will grant amnesty to every single illegal alien here, even those with crime convictions on their sheet. And he'll fast track them voting. That will put the Republicans pretty much out of business in a lot of states. So this isn't theoretical, that's what he will do!
When he raised his hand on that debate stage and told the nation he will pay every healthcare cost for every illegal alien in this country, I said are you kidding me? And that's exactly what he's going to do, and then if you oppose it you're a racist -- no, I don't want traditional America to vanish. I like traditional America. I'm not going to kneel. I want everybody to stand up for their country, improve it as you've said many times, certainly. But I don't want a one-party system and that's where we're going to go if we have amnesty and fast track voting for 15-20 illegal immigrants in this country
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): I will tell you that is probably the most fascinating Bill O'Reilly interview so far I've done. Because you know what? I just think you understand the moment perfectly. It's kind of scary.