Hannity radio producer calls Meghan Markle “very uppity”

Hannity radio producer calls Meghan Markle “very uppity”

Hannity radio producer calls Meghan Markle “very uppity”


From the January 14, 2020 edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show:

SEAN HANNITY (HOST): There's something off here. Don't you think there's something off? Apparently William, his brother, said, "You know, you may be moving a little too fast, maybe slow it down," apparently that didn't go over well.  

LYNDA MCLAUGHLIN: Yeah, I think his family thinks he's an idiot, because he is. And I think that --

HANNITY: Why do you think he's an idiot?

MCLAUGHLIN: Oh, Harry's always been the red-headed child. He's always been the one, he can't get it together, he's at the parties, the clubs, he's a hot mess.


HANNITY: What I didn't like in this whole thing -- I'll say one thing I didn't like.  I didn't like that Meghan didn't even get on the phone as she was in Canada, and she was invited to be a part of that meeting. That I didn't like. That, to me is --

MCLAUGHLIN: Yeah, she's very uppity. She's -- she's one of those liberal elitists, you know?