This October, KSL Radio in Utah will no longer be carrying Sean Hannity's radio program though there is some debate over the reason the right-wing talker's show is being dropped. As Mediaite's Frances Martel notes:
A radio station in Utah run by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints will no longer air the nationally syndicated Sean Hannity Show beginning this October. While the station announced that the decision had to do with the cultivation of local programming, the local ABC affiliate is reporting that questions about the program's civility were circulating recently before the decision.
KSL Radio, run by a for-profit arm of the LDS church named Deseret Media Companies, announced its decision earlier this week. ABC4 Salt Lake City reports that the announcement came in light of speculation that the program was “not in line with Deseret Media Company's mission statement that calls for civility and other ethical stances.”
If Hannity's program is being dropped because of issues concerning civility, conservative radio hosts across the country must be breathing a sigh of relief that their own stations have no such policy of axing shows that fail the civility test by trafficing in right-wing paranoia and hate.