Hollywood Reporter's Michael Wolff: Conservative Media “Is Now Eating Itself”

Wolff: Fight Between WSJ Editor And Sean Hannity Shows “Murdoch Outlets ... Are Eating Themselves”

From the August 7 edition of CNN's Reliable Sources:

BRIAN STELTER (HOST): What do you make of this battle between Sean Hannity and Wall Street Journal columnist Bret Stephens? I think we'll put one of the headlines on screen about it. Stephens called Hannity the dumbest anchor on Fox News. And then Hannity responded with a profane name for him. Liberal sites like Talking Points Memo are eating this up. But what's your reaction, Michael? Does this divide the -- show the divide within the GOP? Within the conservative media?

MICHAEL WOLFF: Clearly, I mean the conservative media is now eating itself. The Republican Party is eating itself.

STELTER: These are both [Rupert] Murdoch outlets, right? The Wall Street Journal and Fox News.

WOLFF: Totally, I mean even the Murdoch outlets actually, we now know with the ouster of Roger Ailes, are eating themselves. Yeah, and I think they are as confused about Trump, about his meaning to politics as anyone else. 


BEDLAM: Hannity, National ReviewWSJ Editor Go To War Over Donald Trump

Sean Hannity Calls Wall Street Journal Editor A “Dumbass With His Head Up His Ass”

INFOGRAPHIC: The Conservative Civil War Over Donald Trump