Sean Hannity announces that his radio show will launch Peter Schweizer’s new book
Hannity: “On the cover, it's got all of the Democratic candidates”
Sean Hannity promotes upcoming launch of Peter Schweizer’s new book on his radio show

Audio file
From the January 13, 2020, edition of Premiere Networks’ The Sean Hannity Show
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): Our friend Peter Schweizer, I have learned, is has his new book coming out one week from tomorrow. He will launch it, I guess, one week from today on this show. And it's Profiles in Corruption. On the cover, it's got all of the Democratic candidates. And it hit number-one on Amazon ten days before the release. You know why? Look how ahead of the curve he was on so many other occasions. I mean, he does a lot of really good work. He was the first one to discover the Clinton Foundation, Burisma Holdings, etc.