Sean Hannity attacks Fox News polling: “I don't know what's up with the Fox poll ... they need new methodology”

Sean Hannity: “Some outside company they hire, I'm like, OK, they need new methodology because it's really wrong”

Sean Hannity attacks Fox News polling: “I don't know what's up with the Fox poll ... they need new methodology”

Audio file

Citation From the November 4, 2019, edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show

SEAN HANNITY (HOST): Anyway, New York Times-Sienna College poll shows Trump in a dead heat in battleground states, matched up against the three leading Democratic candidates, Biden, Sanders, and Warren. 

And I always say, and I believe -- Trump doesn't poll well, and I don't know what's up with the Fox poll. I look at their poll, I'm like, OK, you're sampling -- oversampling Democrats by eight points. I'm like -- some outside company they hire, I'm like, OK, they need new methodology because it's really wrong.