Sean Hannity calls for an economic task force featuring Art Laffer and Stephen Moore

Hannity: “Bring in the minds like Art Laffer and Steve Moore”


From the April 6, 2020, edition of Fox News' Hannity

SEAN HANNITY (HOST): Tonight, I want to make one thing clear as we begin: We will get through this. We are the United States of America. And as we do, we need to also remember that the cure cannot be worse than the crisis itself. We cannot put paralyzing panic and over-practical precautions above Americans working. When now practical. Now what does that mean? It means getting this country back to work, doing what we do best as soon and as safely as possible. It means doing everything we can do to find treatments and a cure, and like I've said, the idea of an economic task force seems like the right path to me. Bring in the minds like Art Laffer and Steve Moore and businessmen and women who understand Wall Street and main street.