Sean Hannity complains that the election is corrupt, Bill O'Reilly says the FBI should be sent to states still counting
Sean Hannity complains that the election is corrupt, Bill O'Reilly says the FBI should be sent to states still counting

From the November 4, 2020, edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): If you turn out to be right if the president doesn't get Arizona, let's just play that out here for a second. Then I ask you Bill O'Reilly do you think we had a free and fair and accurate election?
BILL O'REILLY (GUEST): Well, I'd want somebody to investigate it. So I think federal agents should be there now in Detroit and Philadelphia and Las Vegas and they should be looking at the complaints that the Trump campaign was denied access to see the mail-in ballots, there should be FBI agents there now. Why wait a week? This is when it's happening so why isn't that happening? I mean I think America--
HANNITY: Did you hear the guy that was with Rudy Giuliani that is a poll watcher?
O'REILLY: Yeah I heard it. They got to get more specific though. I am not a conspiracy kind of guy but when they said that the Trump poll watchers were denied access to see if the valid envelope was real, then that opened my eyes. But where, what we're doing now is the people who favor Donald Trump who wanted President Trump to win, do you think any of them, any of the 68 million who voted for him are going to think this was an honest election? Is there one Trump voter who's gonna think it's honest the way it's being playing out?
HANNITY: Answer your question, do you think so?
O'REILLY: I don't think there is one person who voted for Donald Trump that thinks there wasn't chicanery in Las Vegas or Philadelphia or Detroit.
HANNITY: And I got to tell you, I mean the whole issue that oh no, by the way you did hear about this 128,000 ballots, all Biden votes, they just showed up in the middle of the night and then big--
O'REILLY: I need more definition on that. But see the credibility of those allegations rises if an official federal law enforcement agency is on the scene. It is a felony to tamper with an election in the United States. So--
HANNITY: But you had Wisconsin and Michigan, these reports of these high volume vote dumps, you know where--
O'REILLY: Yeah--
HANNITY: Where they--
O'REILLY: So let's check it out to see if that happened! I think that's going to happen, but President Trump and Attorney General Barr have to get on it, now.
HANNITY: I think they're trying to.
It's sad that aa country as sophisticated as ours where you own -- we have great minds and technology and Apple and Microsoft and all of these brilliant tech companies, and yet we can't run a simple verifiable, free, fair election where every vote, every ballot is cast is on time and if it's on time, it gets counted. And you have the confidence in that. And yet, we don't have that system down yet.
They are creating a situation with such a corrupt system, that there will never be any real trust in the system. because you couldn't make a more confusing or corrupt-capable system than the one we have. You mentioned standards. There's no standards, Bill.