Sean Hannity downplays the potential impact of a Republican-led government shutdown
Hannity: “Don’t buy into the hype”
Sean Hannity downplays the potential impact of a Republican-led government shutdown

From the September 12, 2023, edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): You're going to hear a lot of talk in the days to come about the pending deadline, 18 days from now, most of them not working days or a lot of them not working days -- 12, to be exact, if we include today -- there's going to be a government shutdown.
The government never shuts down. Anybody that reports to you, "The government is shut down and sufficiently shut down, there's no government," they just lie to you. That doesn't happen. The military keeps protecting our country. Social security checks, they try to scare the hell out of old people. They'll continue to be sent in the mail. Medicare is up and running. Essential services continue.
Yeah, some people get a furlough. They're a bunch of Washington swamp creatures. They'll get their furlough. And then, usually after the shutdown ends, they vote to give them back pay, which is -- basically becomes a free vacation for them.
So don't buy into the hype. And Republicans might have to have a shutdown to stand up for the things that they promised. You can't have another year of $2 trillion in debt because that's what Biden is giving us this year alone.