Sean Hannity encourages Republicans to shut down the government

Hannity: “What usually ends up happening if the government shuts down, nothing”

Sean Hannity encourages Republicans to shut down the government

Sean Hannity encourages Republicans to shut down the government
Audio file


From the September 21, 2021, edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show

SEAN HANNITY (HOST): They're going to try and do an end run around the Senate parliamentarian's ruling that they can't include amnesty. And what they'll do is they'll say, “Well, they won't going to be able to receive any financial benefits.” Then they'll give them the amnesty, and then they get the financial benefits anyway. Now, the only option Republicans have is that   the — [Nancy] Pelosi and [Chuck] Schumer are trying to tie the debt limit to this must-pass government funding ahead of a shutdown. 

“Oh, the government's going to shut down.” Now, the fear of the shutdown lies, “The full faith and trust of the U.S. government is hanging in the balance.” Good grief. That's not true.

What usually ends up happening if the government shuts down, nothing.

Essential workers keep working and then everybody else is off for whatever period of time, and then as soon as they get back to work, they pass legislation to give back pay to everybody. They get free vacations. That's what usually ends up happening.


You know, it's very interesting. They're running into a lot of problems with this bill and, you know, it's a massive, you know, socialist bill, there's no other way to describe this. And there's ” you know, it's really staggeringly  in terms of the amount of money they're talking about and the social agenda tied to it of socialism, and just a tiny handful of votes in their majority, and  it's probably not going to work and they're just going to have to settle for a lot less money. That's what I'm hoping for, but I can't guarantee that.

But that's where the Democrats are now. Then they're going to say, “Republicans are shutting down the government,” like it's the worst thing  it's not the worst thing in the world.

The military's still working. Essential workers are still working. People will get their Social Security checks. All that would continue.


They want to transform this country into their socialist utopia. That's where they're headed with this, and they're going to say “Republicans, they want to shut down the government because they're mean people, and they want people  they want innocent children to die.”