Rove warns Dems that discussing threats against them may “inflame emotions” Video & Audio 03/25/10 1:44 PM EDT
For NewsBusters, reporting on threats against Congressmen = “legitimizing Democratic talking points” Article 03/25/10 10:44 AM EDT
Herridge blames “limits” of civilian justice system, but case reportedly “tainted by torture” Article 03/23/10 11:44 PM EDT
Cavuto falsely claims that health care reform is “most costly” bill “in a generation” Article 03/20/10 2:44 PM EDT
Rush: Obama called Kucinich an “effing r-word” to get him to vote for health care Video & Audio 03/17/10 12:44 PM EDT
Beck: Dems “are gonna go the way of snakes and cockroaches” and “crawl out in the cover of darkness” to pass health bill Video & Audio 03/16/10 5:44 PM EDT
Gingrich and Scarborough criticize self-executing rule, but in Congress they used it Article 03/16/10 4:44 PM EDT
Beck: “If this passes, the fundamental transformation of America is complete” Video & Audio 03/15/10 10:44 AM EDT