Napolitano: Corzine candidacy is about ego; if he's re-elected, then “taxes will go up, money will” be wasted, “abortion” will be allowed until “moment of birth” Video & Audio 11/03/09 12:41 PM EST
NYT's Harwood equates CNN & MSNBC with Fox News; doesn't bother actually comparing them Article 11/02/09 9:39 AM EST
Doocy warns Democrats to vote to defund ACORN “or else it's going to detract the attention from health care” Video & Audio 10/28/09 7:41 AM EDT
AP: statisticians reject Drudge-pushed global cooling myth as “not scientifically legitimate” Article 10/26/09 5:41 PM EDT
You can prove anything with ratings -- as long as you don't have to provide the ratings Article 10/23/09 11:41 AM EDT
Beck through the looking glass: smears net neutrality as a Marxist plot to take over the Internet Article 10/21/09 4:27 PM EDT
Hannity concerned about White House “trying to hijack troop decisions away from the Pentagon” Video & Audio 10/20/09 9:41 PM EDT
Beck applauds “watchdog of freedom” Tapper for pretending Fox is legitimate news org like ABC Video & Audio 10/20/09 5:41 PM EDT
Morris' dubious poll numbers: claims Fox viewers are White House “base” in effort to defend his employer Article 10/20/09 3:52 PM EDT
Weisberg: “Respectable journalists ... should stop appearing” on Fox News Article 10/18/09 9:41 AM EDT
Levin: “With the election of this guy and this Congress, Medicare is going to be destroyed” Video & Audio 10/16/09 1:41 PM EDT
Beck unveils “red phone” Anita Dunn can use to “correct the mistakes” on his show Video & Audio 10/13/09 5:41 PM EDT