Conservative media accuse Obama of “indoctrinating” kids with back-to-school speech Article 09/03/09 9:58 AM EDT
Fill-in Steyn Joins Conservative Freakout Over Obama's Stay-In-School Speech Article 09/02/09 4:24 PM EDT
Conservatives on Obama's stay-in-school speech: “Indoctrination,” “brainwashing,” Communist China, Hitler Youth Article 09/02/09 12:05 PM EDT
Wash. Times falsely, hypocritically claims conservatives do not use Nazi rhetoric to attack health care reform Article 08/28/09 2:08 PM EDT
ABC quoted Hatch saying Kennedy “wouldn't want [health care bill] passed if it wasn't good” -- but Kennedy did think it was good Article 08/28/09 1:43 PM EDT
Limbaugh Defends Harsh Interrogation Tactics, Including Threats Against Children Article 08/25/09 4:16 PM EDT
Fox News freak-out: Guests make extreme claims and accusations about health care Article 08/24/09 6:51 PM EDT
Limbaugh Joins Other Conservatives In Fearmongering Over “Death Book” For Vets Article 08/24/09 4:35 PM EDT
UPDATED REPORT: Conservative media push 75-year-old “socialized medicine” smear against health care reform Research/Study 08/19/09 4:00 PM EDT
Fox guest says that under health reform, he might have to “let” his wife “suffer until she passes on” Video & Audio 08/17/09 9:47 AM EDT
Conservatives push Reagan's 1961 attacks on “socialized medicine” but ignore that he was criticizing Medicare Article 08/17/09 9:29 AM EDT
After previously debunking “death panels,” NY Times portrays them as he said/she said Article 08/16/09 7:36 PM EDT