Scott Atlas pushes herd immunity on Fox after denying he pushes herd immunity on Fox Article 10/16/20 1:04 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson hypes Hunter Biden emails “exclusive” to his show after admitting he hasn't confirmed their authenticity Video & Audio 10/15/20 8:35 PM EDT
Trump echoes right-wing media denialism about masks and COVID-19 transmission Article 10/15/20 6:34 PM EDT
New York Post’s Biden smear just raises more questions about Rudy Giuliani Article 10/15/20 12:09 PM EDT
Fox’s “unmasking” story fell apart, so its propagandists moved on to the next “damning” scandal Article 10/15/20 11:58 AM EDT
After Fox News successfully argues in court that no “reasonable viewer” takes him seriously, Tucker Carlson insults the intelligence of Sen. Mazie Hirono Video & Audio 10/14/20 9:52 PM EDT
Proud Boys chairman boasts about praise from Trump, talks about taking action regardless of the police Article 10/13/20 6:34 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson’s economic populism is a fraud. His coverage of Amy Coney Barrett proves it. Article 10/13/20 10:52 AM EDT
Right-wing media now pretend that Republicans aren’t trying to throw out the Affordable Care Act Article 10/13/20 10:44 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson claims “there is no case currently pending anywhere in America that would eliminate Obamacare” Video & Audio 10/12/20 8:46 PM EDT
15 examples of Fox News’ unrivaled federal influence over the last two years Article 10/09/20 8:33 AM EDT
STUDY: Two years of Trump's Fox live-tweeting obsession, by the numbers Research/Study 10/09/20 8:33 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson mocks Kamala Harris for saying she’s a person of faith Video & Audio 10/08/20 8:25 PM EDT
Fox medical contributor Dr. Marc Siegel says there's no concern over Trump working in the Oval Office while still contagious Video & Audio 10/07/20 8:42 PM EDT