Wash Post's Marcus calls Palin's claim about death panels an “outrageous distortion” Video & Audio 08/16/09 11:44 AM EDT
Sammon suggests existence of White House “enemies list,” which could lead to “turning the IRS loose” on those on it Video & Audio 08/14/09 11:44 AM EDT
Beck: “I would consider an ice cream ménage à trois” with Jake Tapper and Major Garrett Video & Audio 08/13/09 11:44 AM EDT
Scarborough on Grassley's fearmongering on euthanasia: "[T]hat's just clearly not true" Video & Audio 08/13/09 8:44 AM EDT
Fox News: Obama's 11-year-old questioner has “been to the White House for the Easter egg roll” Video & Audio 08/12/09 10:44 AM EDT
Hannity falsely claims “we've had hardworking Americans called Nazis and brownshirts and un-American by Nancy Pelosi” Video & Audio 08/11/09 9:44 PM EDT
Dobbs: MSNBC's Watson is really saying that “because he first of all is black and because the president is black,” no one can criticize Obama's policies or that's racism Video & Audio 08/11/09 5:44 PM EDT
Olbermann features Dobbs, Limbaugh, and Laffer in “Worst Person” segment Video & Audio 08/06/09 10:44 PM EDT
Ignoring polling, Wash. Post redefines “center” as excluding public plan Article 08/06/09 4:19 PM EDT
Hour 2: Limbaugh Gets Defensive Over Reid's Suggestion That GOP Is “Run By A Talk Show Host” Article 08/06/09 2:37 PM EDT
Beck: Government “wants to stir the pot” and wants “more problems” so “they can use the iron fist and crush people” Video & Audio 08/05/09 6:44 PM EDT
“Word Doctor” Luntz on WH's description of town hall protestors: “language that they are using ... is pure hate” Video & Audio 08/05/09 6:44 PM EDT
Limbaugh: “There is no manufactured anger ... the anger is legitimate and real and it is boiling over” Video & Audio 08/05/09 1:44 PM EDT
Cox: Birthers echo other “attempts to ... de-person black people and to treat them as something ... less than full humans” Video & Audio 08/03/09 10:44 PM EDT
Hour 3: Limbaugh Blames Obama For Birthers, Claims He May Be Hiding His “Dual Citizenship” Article 07/31/09 3:56 PM EDT