Media outlets somehow make Trump the savior of Special Olympics funding that his budget aimed to cut in the first place Article 04/01/19 11:45 AM EDT
Fox's Dan Bongino claims to have “evidence” that Mueller knew the Russia investigation was “a major spying scandal by the Obama administration, yet continued to investigate” Video & Audio 04/01/19 9:15 AM EDT
Fox & Friends apologizes after referring to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras as “Mexican countries” Video & Audio 03/31/19 11:45 AM EDT
Major news organizations amplified Trump’s misinformation about Mueller's report Article 03/29/19 12:39 PM EDT
We shouldn't become desensitized to Trump's extreme anti-press incitement Article 03/29/19 12:03 PM EDT
Fox's Kilmeade suggests there's no need to release Mueller report because of previous reporting on Trump officials' wrongdoings Video & Audio 03/29/19 10:06 AM EDT
Fox News figures repeatedly suggested the Obamas were behind dropped Smollett charges Article 03/29/19 9:57 AM EDT
No, news outlets do not owe right-wing media an “apology” for their coverage of Mueller's Russia investigation Article 03/29/19 7:46 AM EDT
The NRA and its media outlet have long been a breeding ground for odious conspiracy theories Article 03/28/19 3:46 PM EDT
Fox News contributor calls for Trump to strip his congressional critics of security clearances Video & Audio 03/28/19 12:12 PM EDT
Fox & Friends' Brian Kilmeade: George Papadapoulos, Michael Flynn, and Carter Page “were victims” in the Mueller probe Video & Audio 03/28/19 10:09 AM EDT
Sean Hannity praises Trump's DOJ for trying to overturn the entire Affordable Care Act: “That's a good thing” Video & Audio 03/27/19 4:16 PM EDT
Fox co-host suggests Americans would be better off with nothing instead of the Affordable Care Act Video & Audio 03/27/19 1:15 PM EDT
Network news ignores report that Trump wants reduced aid to Puerto Rico amid food-stamp crisis Article 03/27/19 10:55 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson on Russia's 2016 election interference: “I don't think it really hurt the country, actually. I really don't. I think it's a total lie.” Video & Audio 03/26/19 9:38 AM EDT
Sean Hannity says investigation into Clinton's email server must be reopened “if we are to ever have justice in this country” Video & Audio 03/26/19 8:58 AM EDT