Family Research Council leads fight against opponents of anti-gay bullying Article 10/15/10 4:23 PM EDT
WATCH: Michael Savage explains how Michael Savage is changing “the course of human events” Article 10/14/10 1:28 PM EDT
SPLC: “Beck's breathless demonization of” liberals “has not occurred in a vacuum” Article 10/12/10 11:17 AM EDT
Byron Williams attack follows numerous right-wing terrorism incidents in recent years Article 10/08/10 7:26 PM EDT
Fox's Napolitano joins 9-11 Truther Alex Jones to push anti-government conspiracy theories Article 10/08/10 2:49 PM EDT
Buchanan: Food stamps signed into law even though “no one was starving” Article 10/08/10 10:30 AM EDT
Kilmeade drools over Gingrich as his panel continues to deny food stamps are good stimulus Video & Audio 10/08/10 8:06 AM EDT
Hannity: It's “humorous in a way” that Pelosi thinks food stamps create jobs Video & Audio 10/07/10 10:49 PM EDT
Limbaugh says “of course [Pelosi's] on crack” because she accurately stated stimulative effect of food stamps Video & Audio 10/07/10 2:26 PM EDT
Reality need not apply: Fox continues to deny aid to poor is stimulative Article 10/07/10 1:31 PM EDT