Politico characterized Obama as “aloof” during NH event, but the only voter quoted in story praised him Article 12/20/07 6:52 PM EST
Ignoring key bill, Wash. Post's Milbank attempted to refute Obama's statement that he “expanded health care in Illinois” Article 12/17/07 3:17 PM EST
CNN's Keilar claimed Congress “stalled” on SCHIP without noting presidential vetoes Article 12/14/07 4:20 PM EST
Kornblut claimed Clinton change in rhetoric on health care plan, but offered no evidence Article 11/26/07 4:54 PM EST
On Your World, Mark Rudov falsely claimed “women are equal-opportunity domestic abusers” Article 11/20/07 9:16 PM EST
Malveaux misrepresented Obama's statements about Clinton on Meet the Press Article 11/16/07 2:19 PM EST
Limbaugh on purported Clinton “warn[ing]” to Blitzer: “Wolf may want to beg off the debate because who's going to take care of his children?” Article 11/14/07 6:28 PM EST
On Special Report, Barone cited interest-group spending to explain defeat of conservative initiative, but not liberal one Article 11/09/07 4:28 PM EST
NRO's Murdock: “Waterboarding is something of which every American should be proud” Article 11/05/07 5:19 PM EST
In report on debate “back-and-forth,” CNN's Crowley rearranged Clinton's quotes Article 11/01/07 8:44 PM EDT
Wash. Post quoted Rep. Putnam saying Bush “longs for” bipartisanship, ignored Putnam's false attacks on Democrats Article 11/01/07 12:45 PM EDT
Fox 31 report on task force's birth control proposal quoted Focus on the Family group's exec, but not task force members Article 10/31/07 6:20 PM EDT
Citing new G.I. Joe movie, Glenn Beck warned of a possible “one-world-government nightmare” Article 10/31/07 4:15 PM EDT
Situation Room played up McCain attacks on Clinton over earmark, but didn't note his missed vote Article 10/29/07 4:47 PM EDT