Citing “our friend Drudge,” Levin reported “John Edwards love child scandal” Article 12/19/07 6:57 PM EST
Kaus touted Enquirer story about Edwards “love child,” didn't note Young's claim in story* that he is the father Article 12/19/07 4:54 PM EST
NY Times' Healy omitted Rose's on-air comments about ending Clinton interview Article 12/18/07 4:57 PM EST
Matthews, repeatedly using “cocaine,” falsely asserted Clinton strategist “raised drugs” Article 12/17/07 5:41 PM EST
Shuster on Morning Joe: DuMond not as big an issue as Horton “because [Huckabee's] a conservative guy from a conservative state” Article 12/07/07 10:43 AM EST
NY Times, Wash. Post chronicled Huckabee's rise in polls -- but not recent developments in DuMond case Article 12/06/07 4:27 PM EST
NPR's Liasson cropped quote to suggest Pres. Clinton accused Democrats of “Republican-style, Swift-boat attack” on Hillary Article 11/28/07 3:41 PM EST
NY Times reporter Stolberg's “News Analysis” of political impact of stem-cell discovery omits researcher's admonition Article 11/21/07 4:41 PM EST
Dick Morris vouches for Novak: “He's never proven wrong. He's always right” Article 11/20/07 9:41 PM EST
NY Times ID'd former Republican aides attacking Senate rules in op-ed only as “lawyers and former Congressional aides” Article 11/20/07 1:58 PM EST
Wash. Post article called Giuliani “America's mayor,” referred to his “triumphal leadership on Sept. 11” Article 11/18/07 5:04 PM EST
CNN's Malveaux noted H.W. Bush's defense of son on Iraq, but not his assertion in 1990s that invasion would have been “disastrous” Article 11/13/07 7:23 PM EST
On Independent Thinking, Caldara feigned ignorance of Owens' anti-union executive order, joined Rep. Gardner in repeating falsehoods about Ritter's order Article 11/09/07 9:59 PM EST
Iowa waitress to media, on coverage of Clinton tipping story: “You people are really nuts” Article 11/09/07 2:41 PM EST
Chris Matthews claimed, “Deceit is what drives me crazy,” but what about Giuliani's “deceit”? Article 11/07/07 3:41 PM EST