Right-leaning Facebook pages earn millions of interactions fearmongering about the House voting rights bill Article 03/15/21 2:10 PM EDT
Steve Bannon says coronavirus vaccines are “not technically vaccines” but “experimental gene therapies” Video & Audio 03/15/21 12:56 PM EDT
Right-wing media recklessly scapegoat migrants at the border for COVID-19 surges Article 03/15/21 12:04 PM EDT
Fox News absurdly claims it is unconstitutional for Congress to protect the right to vote Article 03/12/21 3:33 PM EST
Fox's meltdown over Biden's speech shows that it has nothing left but propaganda Article 03/12/21 3:03 PM EST
Likening Trump to Jonas Salk, Mark Levin bemoans that the former president is not getting more praise Video & Audio 03/11/21 1:15 PM EST
White nationalist Stephen Miller is Fox News’ newest immigration expert Article 03/11/21 11:03 AM EST
Fox figures echo Charlie Kirk's lie about H.R. 1 and the restoration of voting rights Article 03/10/21 3:48 PM EST
A year into the pandemic, Sinclair host Sharyl Attkisson is still pushing dangerous COVID-19 misinformation Article 03/10/21 12:15 PM EST
Sean Hannity lies about H.R. 1: “What are we going to have, 15-year-olds voting next?” Video & Audio 03/08/21 6:19 PM EST
On OAN, Papa John's former CEO says he's been working for almost 2 years “to get rid of this n-word in my vocabulary and dictionary” Video & Audio 03/08/21 3:53 PM EST
Fox News host Trey Gowdy will violate supposed network policy by speaking at three GOP fundraisers Article 03/08/21 10:31 AM EST
“Neanderthal thinking?” The social science underlying Fox News’ desire to make its audience feel victimized. Article 03/07/21 8:43 AM EST
Right-wing media misuse report on coronavirus-positive immigrants to renew xenophobic smear of them Article 03/05/21 3:57 PM EST