Limbaugh's knee-jerk response to “Fort Dix Six”: "[C]ould it be" Clinton's fault? Article 05/11/07 6:33 PM EDT
Boyles repeated, and guest Corsi misrepresented, previous “anchor baby” statements Article 05/03/07 8:41 PM EDT
Boyles disputed Post article by misrepresenting source supporting “anchor baby” myth Article 05/01/07 5:56 PM EDT
Frontline's Hot Politics falsely claimed “Gore rarely mentioned global warming” during 2000 campaign Article 04/25/07 6:13 PM EDT
On KNUS, Keyes made false and misleading statements about stem cell research, smeared Michael Schiavo Article 04/24/07 6:13 PM EDT
Gazette used misleading “gay adoption” label for bill, failed to identify conservative think tank Article 04/23/07 6:17 PM EDT
Rocky reported Caldara's criticism of Ritter's education funding plan without providing a response or noting support Article 04/23/07 5:24 PM EDT
Broadcasting from state Capitol, Andrews and Republican lawmakers repeated numerous falsehoods about Democrats Article 04/18/07 12:46 PM EDT
Gazette repeated GOP talking point that state Democrats focus on “divisive social bills” Article 04/17/07 7:37 PM EDT
Rocky repeated earlier mischaracterization of second-parent adoption bill, omission on Jeffco scandal Article 04/12/07 6:44 PM EDT
Colorado Community Newspapers columnist Dale had accuracy, spelling issues in column attacking Democrats Article 04/09/07 2:15 PM EDT
AP falsely claimed Obama has “delivered no policy speeches” on campaign trail Article 03/27/07 3:19 PM EDT
Post columnist Knight mischaracterized second-parent adoption bill as one to “authorize homosexual adoption” Article 03/14/07 8:43 PM EDT