Strike two: Excerpt of new anti-Hillary book filled with factual errors, misleading claims, very little context Article 06/07/05 6:54 PM EDT
O'Reilly falsely claimed that heterosexual marriage in Sweden “declined drastically since gay marriage was legalized” Article 06/03/05 7:01 PM EDT
Perkins falsely claimed that Owen voted with majority in parental notification case Article 05/17/05 1:58 PM EDT
Sowell defends Wal-Mart, ignores workers' dependence on Medicaid, food stamps Article 05/12/05 7:36 PM EDT
Perkins accused opponents of Bush's judicial picks of anti-Christian bigotry Article 04/22/05 6:48 PM EDT
Fox judicial analyst Napolitano falsely claimed Supreme Court majority won't allow any restrictions on abortion Article 03/30/05 6:02 PM EST
Hume touted misleading Social Security poll to claim broad support for Bush plan, accuse Dems of “disinformation” Article 03/18/05 7:15 PM EST
Wash. Post article 'shortchanged' the truth about African Americans and Social Security Article 02/14/05 11:41 AM EST
McManus and Gallagher have more in common than Bush administration contracts Article 01/28/05 8:41 PM EST
O'Reilly accused Kennedy of lying by distorting his speech, citing bogus stats Article 01/14/05 6:25 PM EST