NPR, CNN repeat falsehood that Casey was denied speaking role at '92 Dem convention “because of his opposition to abortion rights” Article 08/26/08 4:53 PM EDT
Wash. Post purported to give both sides of “Born-Alive” bill dispute, but left out Illinois' reported position Article 08/20/08 6:47 PM EDT
Boortz: “Single mothers receiving public assistance” are “welfare broodmares” Article 08/20/08 3:19 PM EDT
Does MSNBC approve of Pat Buchanan's appearances on a “pro-White” radio show? Article 08/19/08 7:08 PM EDT
Fox News' Sammon dismissed “nature of” Corsi falsehoods as “relatively innocuous” Article 08/18/08 7:50 PM EDT
Corsi's reported cancellation of scheduled appearance on “pro-White” radio show leaves unanswered questions Article 08/18/08 12:26 PM EDT
Wash. Post ignored McCain flip-flop on Falwell as an “agent of intolerance,” McCain's pastor problems Article 08/17/08 5:03 PM EDT
"[P]ro-White" radio host Edwards asks of Media Matters' funders: "[W]hat do you want to bet that a lot of those 'wealthy liberals' have funny last names?" Article 08/15/08 7:01 PM EDT
Corsi's previous appearance on “pro-White” radio show was streamed live on “White Nationalist” Article 08/15/08 6:11 PM EDT
Despite “all my apologies” for bigoted comments, Corsi reportedly scheduled to appear on “pro-White” radio show Article 08/14/08 3:26 PM EDT
NRO's Kirsanow and Hanson falsely claimed Obama has not given his views on reparations Article 08/06/08 3:50 PM EDT
On three Hannity programs, Corsi offered another falsehood: Obama supports abortion "[a]fter a child's born" Article 08/02/08 4:12 PM EDT
Publisher's promotional materials for Corsi's Obama Nation echo falsehood and baseless charge in book Article 08/02/08 3:56 PM EDT
WSJ's Taranto falsely suggested that Obama gave “something of an endorsement” to cash payments as reparations for slavery Article 07/31/08 6:06 PM EDT
CNN quoted far-right blogger Steve Sailer on Obama, without noting background denigrating minorities Article 07/31/08 4:59 PM EDT