7News reported on immigration reform, failed to fully identify controversial opponent Frosty Wooldridge Article 05/17/07 8:03 PM EDT
Andrews claimed on KNUS' Backbone Radio that he “unknowingly voted for a whopping tax increase” in 2004 Article 05/17/07 5:44 PM EDT
Defending Tancredo's statement on bombing holy sites, Boyles said WWII bombings of Dresden “worked” Article 05/16/07 6:44 PM EDT
On KNUS, Andrews and House GOP leader May criticized legislative study groups that May voted for Article 05/16/07 6:29 PM EDT
Boyles called Islamic culture “corrupt,” referred to Iraq as “a theocracy” and culturally inferior to U.S. Article 05/16/07 1:44 PM EDT
Colorado media continue to mislead on sex-ed, second-parent adoption bills signed by Ritter Article 05/15/07 6:44 PM EDT
Ignoring polling, Liasson claimed on Fox News Sunday that all Republicans beat Clinton Article 05/14/07 1:42 PM EDT
Olbermann named Wash. Times op-ed writer “Worst Person” “runner-up” for Media Matters falsehood Video & Audio 05/10/07 1:44 PM EDT
Polling rebuts Wash. Times claim that Clinton “in trouble” with Dem base over war Article 05/10/07 11:26 AM EDT
Matthews likened position of “hawk” Clinton on war to Bush and Giuliani, contrasted with Hagel Article 05/09/07 6:44 PM EDT
Dick Morris saw a Chris Matthews-Politico debate conspiracy to “hurt Rudy” Article 05/09/07 1:46 PM EDT
To Parker, Dems' letter was “hissy fit” rather than rebuttal of Broder claim Article 05/07/07 5:44 PM EDT
O'Reilly, disputing Powers' accurate account of their exchange on immigration bill: “You're crazy” Article 05/02/07 7:10 PM EDT
After repeatedly touting Giuliani as 9-11 hero, Matthews wonders why people think of him that way Article 05/02/07 6:23 PM EDT
ABC's Raddatz baselessly claimed that national security seems “a bit of a foreign language” for Democrats Article 05/01/07 7:46 PM EDT
Beck said Gore using “same tactic” in fight against global warming as Hitler did against Jews Article 05/01/07 1:44 PM EDT