Boortz: "[P]rimary blame" for Katrina goes to “worthless parasites who lived in New Orleans” Video & Audio 02/01/08 9:22 PM EST
Attacking Edwards, O'Reilly baselessly suggested New Orleans homeless encampment doesn't exist Article 02/01/08 2:35 PM EST
On Glenn Beck, Minuteman's Gilchrist compared La Raza to the KKK, smeared ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center Article 01/31/08 4:59 PM EST
CNN's King, WSJ reported McCain has shifted “emphasis,” “subtly alter[ed]” position on immigration -- but he has reversed himself on it Article 01/30/08 3:50 PM EST
Imus regular on claim that Clinton was “first black president”: “I thought it was because he'd had an affinity for fat white women” Article 01/24/08 1:41 PM EST
Beck on guest who favored tax cuts for lower-income Americans: “Nice of you to join us, Stalin” Article 01/23/08 4:46 PM EST
O'Reilly inconsistent on role of government in addressing vets' homelessness Article 01/18/08 8:24 PM EST
AP failed to report Edwards' claim about homeless vets is supported by VA statistics Article 01/17/08 4:35 PM EST
O'Reilly said he's “still looking” for the homeless veterans Edwards (and the VA) say are “out there” Article 01/16/08 6:22 PM EST
On MSNBC, Corke and Cillizza falsely claimed NV paper quoted Obama admitting he lacks “experience” to “run a bureaucracy” and “be a CEO” Article 01/15/08 7:02 PM EST
Upcoming debate moderator Russert added to record of distortions on Sunday's Meet the Press Article 01/14/08 7:39 PM EST
Syndicated columnist Mackenzie falsely claimed Obama was educated in a “madrassa school” Article 01/11/08 4:54 PM EST
Conservative radio host Cunningham falsely referred to “Barack Mohammed Hussein Obama,” advanced madrassa falsehood Article 01/09/08 8:07 PM EST
O'Reilly claimed Edwards “has no clue” over claim about homeless veterans Article 01/07/08 2:05 PM EST