Fox Business' Charles Payne: There is an “anti-capitalism tsunami that is really upsetting the world” and it may result in President Ocasio-Cortez Video & Audio 09/06/18 8:14 PM EDT
White House chaos is overshadowing broadcast news coverage of Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation hearings Article 09/06/18 5:02 PM EDT
GOP nominee for Kentucky state House appeared on white nationalist show and complained about minorities Article 09/06/18 4:09 PM EDT
Fox News spun NY Times report about FBI’s attempts to flip a Russian oligarch involved in organized crime into proof of an anti-Trump “witch hunt” Article 09/06/18 3:25 PM EDT
All the times Bob Woodward reports Trump lashed out after watching television Article 09/06/18 2:14 PM EDT
The state-by-state impact of overturning Roe with Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court Research/Study 09/06/18 2:07 PM EDT
After anonymous NY Times op-ed, NRATV host insists “this traitor must be rooted out” Video & Audio 09/06/18 11:05 AM EDT
Fox's Brian Kilmeade agrees with Trump that the anonymous NY Times op-ed constitutes “treason” Video & Audio 09/06/18 9:52 AM EDT
In the wake of anonymous NY Times op-ed, Fox & Friends host encourages Trump to work more closely with his family Video & Audio 09/06/18 9:06 AM EDT
Fox & Friends: Trump official's NY Times op-ed “is cowardice masquerading as conscience” Video & Audio 09/06/18 8:04 AM EDT
Hannity guest says “science and real data and true psychological theory” shows Trump “is the most sound-minded person to ever occupy the White House” Video & Audio 09/05/18 10:19 PM EDT
Reuters recap of “critical moments” of Kavanaugh hearing misses a crucial exchange Article 09/05/18 6:52 PM EDT
Sean Hannity and Newt Gingrich attack anonymous NYT op-ed as a “stunning betrayal” from the “deep state” Video & Audio 09/05/18 5:27 PM EDT
The Daily Caller has published white supremacists, anti-Semites, and bigots. Here are the ones we know about. Article 09/05/18 3:06 PM EDT
Fox & Friends host claims protesters “seemed pretty dangerous” at Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation hearings Video & Audio 09/05/18 8:04 AM EDT
Fox News says the main difference between Kavanaugh and Robert Bork is that Republicans have gotten better at advertising Video & Audio 09/04/18 9:45 PM EDT
Trump wants to blatantly politicize the Justice Department, and his Fox News allies are trying to help Article 09/04/18 1:01 PM EDT