CNBC's Kudlow allowed Romney and Giuliani to mischaracterize Clinton statements on economy Article 08/31/07 11:53 AM EDT
NY Times' Stolberg, MSNBC's Matthews cited Tony Perkins, GOP conservatives as espousing “ethics” and “values” Article 08/29/07 5:23 PM EDT
Hannity previewed attack on Edwards over New Orleans foreclosures, ignored reported Edwards pledge Article 08/21/07 4:09 PM EDT
We were always looking for true north; with our heads in the clouds, just a little off course ... Article 08/21/07 1:29 PM EDT
“Fair Tax” advocate on KVOR claimed 23 percent sales tax proposal is “revenue-neutral”; Bush tax panel disagreed Article 08/20/07 8:02 PM EDT
Dick Morris makes numerous false claims in purported attempt to “correct[]” Bill Clinton's “syrupy five minute ad for Hillary” Article 08/15/07 4:51 PM EDT
Gibson radio show executive producer: Edwards “whored his wife's cancer as a fundraising gimmick” Article 08/06/07 7:18 PM EDT
White House soirée, part deux: Beck, Bennett, Ingraham, Medved, and others met with Bush Article 08/02/07 8:20 PM EDT
Latching onto Republican talking point, media report “do-nothing” Congress, not GOP obstruction Article 07/27/07 9:30 PM EDT
CNN's Situation Room continues to equate conservatives with “values voters” Article 07/20/07 6:26 PM EDT article falsely claimed Obama knocked Edwards for “mak[ing] millions as a trial lawyer” Article 07/20/07 2:21 PM EDT