Chris Matthews Show panel agreed Sen. Clinton is not an “authentic person” Video & Audio 07/31/06 12:39 PM EDT
Brimelow denounced Rocky Mountain News' label of “white nationalist website,” while acknowledging he publishes “white nationalist” writers Article 07/25/06 6:39 PM EDT
Wash. Post mischaracterized NAACP audience reaction as approval for Bush comments Article 07/21/06 2:23 PM EDT
Boyles praised anti-immigration ad, failed to disclose “hate group” ties of Vinson, organization that produced and aired it Article 07/20/06 5:23 PM EDT
Parshall featured founding member of neo-Confederate hate group as guest American history expert Article 07/14/06 7:02 PM EDT
Gibson failed to challenge Army spokesman on purported recruiting successes Article 07/11/06 7:08 PM EDT
Boortz: "[T]housands" of Katrina victims are “deadbeat[s]”; "[s]o many" have “turned out to be complete bums, just debris” Video & Audio 06/07/06 12:07 PM EDT
Hannity drew baseless comparison between N.Y. state comptroller's remark and Trent Lott's praise of Thurmond's 1948 segregationist presidential campaign Article 06/06/06 7:16 PM EDT
Lou Dobbs Tonight didn't mention use of graphic from organization linked to white supremacists, even after CNN acknowledged it was “regrettab[le]” Article 05/25/06 5:23 PM EDT
Dobbs's immigration reporting marked by misinformation, extreme rhetoric, attacks on Mexican president, and data from organization linked to white supremacists Article 05/24/06 6:06 PM EDT
Robertson: Islam is a “Christian heresy,” Jews are “very thrifty, extraordinarily good business people” Video & Audio 05/24/06 5:39 PM EDT
O'Reilly threatened boycott of Mexico; suggested Mexican foreign secretary “give the French ambassador a call” to get “fill[ed] ... in” on an O'Reilly boycott Article 05/19/06 11:46 AM EDT
Limbaugh blamed “unchecked liberalism” for the inability to “save” New Orleans residents during Hurricane Katrina Video & Audio 05/09/06 1:05 PM EDT
O'Reilly: Interest in Darfur by Clooney, others “may have something to do with color” Video & Audio 05/03/06 11:58 AM EDT
Associated Press identified as an “immigration-focused Web magazine” -- not noting that it publishes “white nationalists” Article 05/02/06 12:31 PM EDT
O'Reilly: The homeless “will not support themselves” because “they want to get drunk” and “high,” or they're just “too lazy” Article 04/21/06 1:13 PM EDT