Ann Coulter wants the US military to kill immigrants attempting to enter the country Article 04/04/18 6:20 PM EDT
Fox's Brit Hume: Barack Obama enjoyed protected status as president because he is African-American Video & Audio 04/03/18 9:14 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson: Mexico and its “offspring of conquistadors” is “far more racist” than the US Video & Audio 04/03/18 9:01 PM EDT
On Fox News, Mark Steyn promotes “stunningly racist” anti-immigrant French novel Article 04/02/18 10:23 PM EDT
On AM Joy, Angelo Carusone notes that Ingraham's attack on David Hogg fueled more attacks on Parkland survivors by internet trolls Video & Audio 04/01/18 12:43 PM EDT
Laura Ingraham’s attack on David Hogg is nothing new. Fox has been mocking students and children for years. Article 03/30/18 3:06 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson spent Women's History Month parroting YouTube's most extreme misogynists Article 03/30/18 8:35 AM EDT
NRATV's Dan Bongino calls automatic voter registration an “attack” on our election system Video & Audio 03/29/18 5:13 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson laments the success of women on college campuses in America Video & Audio 03/28/18 9:16 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson repeatedly asks undocumented guest if he plans to vote in the next election Video & Audio 03/27/18 8:51 PM EDT
Fox News turns to the “alt-right's” favorite professor Jordan Peterson to attack gender identity Video & Audio 03/27/18 10:15 AM EDT
Sebastian Gorka: Barack Obama's administration “facilitated the rise of Vladimir Putin” Video & Audio 03/26/18 10:30 PM EDT
On Fox News, racist columnist Katie Hopkins calls for military operations to evacuate homeless people from Los Angeles Video & Audio 03/26/18 9:44 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson: “The self-righteous kids screaming at you on television over the weekend aren't helping at all” Video & Audio 03/26/18 8:25 PM EDT
NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch’s new NRATV show will be an hour-long attack on the press Article 03/26/18 1:41 PM EDT
Fox host on student-led gun safety marches: “Spare me if I don't want to hear the sanctimoniousness of a 17-year-old” Video & Audio 03/25/18 11:02 AM EDT
Fox Business guest criticizes Parkland students for acting “like they’re bulletproof” Video & Audio 03/23/18 8:19 PM EDT