The conflicts of interest and corporate interests lurking behind op-eds in 2017 Article 12/27/17 8:30 AM EST
Six far-right conspiracy theories that reached Congress and the White House in 2017 Article 12/27/17 8:08 AM EST
In urban Sweden and heartland America, xenophobic fake news looks the same Article 12/26/17 9:09 AM EST
Study: Trump officials appeared on Fox News over 5 times more often than on CNN and MSNBC combined Research/Study 12/22/17 11:00 AM EST
Alex Jones and Roger Stone visited a gun range to prepare for civil war if Trump is removed from office Article 12/21/17 3:32 PM EST
MSNBC contributor: “Donald Trump is living in a world... fed by the conservative media hysteria” Video & Audio 12/21/17 10:23 AM EST
The GOP's smash-and-grab tax bill doesn't make Trump's disastrous year a “success” Article 12/20/17 3:00 PM EST
Pro-Trump CNN commentator Bryan Lanza: Discussing sexual assault allegations against Trump “seems like a waste of time” Video & Audio 12/20/17 11:18 AM EST
Fox contributor floats conspiracy theory that the FBI might have planned to assassinate Donald Trump Video & Audio 12/19/17 1:10 PM EST
Far-right media seize on flawed Bloomberg article to push bogus “deep state” theories Article 12/19/17 12:28 PM EST
The latest Trump propaganda segments running on local news, courtesy of Sinclair Broadcast Group Article 12/18/17 9:30 AM EST
Fox & Friends host outraged that Mueller legally obtained all Trump transition emails Video & Audio 12/18/17 8:22 AM EST
As multiple Fox News figures suggest the FBI is corrupt, Chris Wallace says that no one is attacking the FBI as an institution Article 12/17/17 5:14 PM EST
CNN's Brian Stelter explains how right-wing media's “anti-Mueller, anti-FBI feedback loop” with Trump works Video & Audio 12/17/17 12:00 PM EST