Laura Ingraham calls YouTube’s plan to ban videos showing how to modify guns “viewpoint discrimination” Video & Audio 03/22/18 11:21 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson: The real scandal with Facebook is not privacy, it's algorithm changes that hurt right-wing sites Video & Audio 03/22/18 8:46 PM EDT
Fox & Friends: The Civil War was started by John Brown and radical abolitionists Video & Audio 03/22/18 9:02 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson invites a former sniper to attack March for Our Lives protests Video & Audio 03/21/18 8:57 PM EDT
Fox News defended ICE violently detaining a mother. Its rationale just fell apart. Article 03/21/18 5:26 PM EDT
Fox News is lying to its viewers about public support for California's sanctuary laws Article 03/20/18 12:52 PM EDT
Laura Ingraham: “March For Our Lives” rally isn't authentic because outside groups helped the students organize it Video & Audio 03/19/18 11:10 PM EDT
CNN’s Ben Ferguson regularly posts vitriolic and conspiratorial attacks against his employer on Facebook Article 03/19/18 1:32 PM EDT
Myths and facts about California's pro-choice law regarding fake health clinics Research/Study 03/16/18 1:32 PM EDT
Conservative media say students protesting gun violence can’t think for themselves Article 03/15/18 1:31 PM EDT
Fox & Friends claims parents were “misled” about nationwide gun violence school walkout Video & Audio 03/15/18 7:57 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson: Teachers can't have sex with students, so they should not talk about guns with them either Video & Audio 03/14/18 9:54 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson compares students protesting gun violence to Mao's Red Guards Video & Audio 03/14/18 8:33 PM EDT
Fox & Friends host: Democrat Conor Lamb, the likely winner of PA special election, “is an exception” Video & Audio 03/14/18 8:44 AM EDT
Tucker Carlson defends white nationalist “Pizzagate” conspiracy theorist after she was barred from entering U.K. Article 03/13/18 10:40 PM EDT