Video: How conspiracy theories and attacks on the Parkland shooting survivors spread across the internet and right-wing media Article 02/22/18 5:06 PM EST
Broward County sheriff to NRATV's Dana Loesch: You're not defending children “until you say I want less weapons” Video & Audio 02/21/18 10:52 PM EST
Watch: Father who lost child in mass shooting calls out Sen. Marco Rubio for his weak comments on guns during CNN Townhall Video & Audio 02/21/18 9:54 PM EST
Tucker Carlson calls Parkland survivors “a human shield” being used by the media Video & Audio 02/21/18 8:39 PM EST
Florida school shooting survivor responds to right-wing conspiracy theories: “No one's paying me to do this” Video & Audio 02/21/18 11:18 AM EST
Tucker Carlson complains about the “moral blackmail” of student survivors speaking out about gun violence Video & Audio 02/20/18 9:12 PM EST
Pro-Trump media launch attacks on student survivors of Florida school shooting Article 02/20/18 9:44 AM EST
Laura Ingraham: Obama administration may have “enabled Russian interference in the US election” Video & Audio 02/16/18 11:09 PM EST
Tucker Carlson blames Trump/Russia investigation for keeping FBI agents “too busy to stop school shootings” Video & Audio 02/16/18 8:31 PM EST
Student survivors of Florida school shooting call out NRA and legislators pushing more guns in schools Video & Audio 02/15/18 9:54 PM EST
Tucker Carlson: Australian-style gun safety legislation in America is “a recipe for bloodshed and civil war” Video & Audio 02/15/18 8:49 PM EST
CNN's David Drucker says people who want gun safety measures really need to understand the NRA better Video & Audio 02/15/18 9:38 AM EST
Hours after Florida school shooting, Laura Ingraham defends the murder weapon as “safe” Video & Audio 02/14/18 11:11 PM EST
On MSNBC, Virginia Tech survivor's mother calls out congressional inaction on gun violence Video & Audio 02/14/18 10:43 PM EST
Tucker Carlson hosts NRATV's Dan Bongino to discuss Florida school shooting and somehow easy access to guns didn't come up Video & Audio 02/14/18 8:53 PM EST
Alex Jones gushes over Fox: “Think about where we'd be if it wasn't for Fox News” Video & Audio 02/14/18 3:04 PM EST