Fox News host says because “whites are a minority in California” there is an on-ramp being created for “illegal aliens” to vote Video & Audio 09/26/22 6:34 PM EDT
Jaimee Michell, who is cisgender, tells two cisgender men on Fox News that Twitter banning “trans against groomers” is “transphobic” Video & Audio 09/26/22 2:51 PM EDT
Right-wing media fearmonger against new clinical recommendations for gender-affirming medical care Article 09/26/22 1:39 PM EDT
Fox News guest calls national teachers union “public enemy number one when it comes to American children” Video & Audio 09/23/22 10:36 PM EDT
On Fox News, a “concerned uncle” says “groom dogs, not kids” on behalf of “Gays Against Groomers” Video & Audio 09/23/22 8:26 PM EDT
Fox News host takes victory lap over report Rep. Matt Gaetz won’t face charges in sex-trafficking probe Video & Audio 09/23/22 8:13 PM EDT
Right-wing media lie about fetal development to justify Georgia’s draconian limits on abortion Article 09/23/22 2:55 PM EDT
Fox News contributor: Gender-neutral language in the military “could be a national security risk” Video & Audio 09/23/22 2:33 PM EDT
Fox News medical contributor just admitted Stacey Abrams was right, there is no fetal “heartbeat” at six weeks Video & Audio 09/23/22 12:20 PM EDT
Tucker Carlson’s “law and order” push demands viewers ignore Democratic efforts to curtail crime Article 09/23/22 11:21 AM EDT
Right-wing media are outraged that Biden spent a tenth of his UN speech on climate change Article 09/23/22 10:32 AM EDT
Laura Ingraham says companies concerned with the environmental, social, and governance impact of their businesses will lead to a “racial and ethnic caste system” Video & Audio 09/22/22 10:34 PM EDT
On Fox News, Donald Trump says immigrants are “poisoning our country” Video & Audio 09/22/22 9:39 PM EDT