Prompted by Fox & Friends, Trump press secretary demands ESPN fire critic who called out Trump's racism Video & Audio 09/14/17 9:37 AM EDT
CNN's Dana Bash: Trump has been “extremely consistent” on wanting to keep DACA recipients in the US Video & Audio 09/14/17 8:22 AM EDT
The White House is engaged in a coordinated attack on James Comey that Hannity and Trump's lawyer have been pushing for months Article 09/13/17 9:59 PM EDT
White House press secretary calls for ESPN to fire Trump critic Jemele Hill Video & Audio 09/13/17 3:47 PM EDT
MSNBC’s Velshi and Ruhle: Neither “legitimate economists” nor “recent history” back up ideas behind Trump’s tax plan Video & Audio 09/13/17 12:50 PM EDT
Fox’s Robert Jeffress on why he doesn’t support DACA: "God is not necessarily an open borders guy” Video & Audio 09/13/17 9:30 AM EDT
Hannity: Sarah Huckabee Sanders repeated “everything I've been saying” about James Comey Video & Audio 09/12/17 7:11 PM EDT
Seven reasons media shouldn't fall for the latest health care “compromise” Article 09/12/17 12:03 PM EDT
Bannon’s return shows that the Senate Press Gallery was right to deny Breitbart credentials Article 09/12/17 10:40 AM EDT
Bigoted radio host Michael Savage, who said Trump made him “more proud to be an American,” has lost faith Article 09/12/17 9:17 AM EDT
Joe Scarborough: Kushner just “overlooked” Russian meetings because “he's not good at disclosure forms” Video & Audio 09/12/17 8:25 AM EDT
Roger Stone: It’s possible White House chief of staff John Kelly is having Trump drugged Video & Audio 09/11/17 4:43 PM EDT
Alex Jones: Sources tell me Trump is being “covertly drugged” and is now slurring his words by 6 or 7 p.m. each night Video & Audio 09/11/17 1:12 PM EDT
A glaring question for Steve Bannon after his 60 Minutes interview at his “home”: Are any of you even allowed to be there? Article 09/11/17 11:41 AM EDT
Steve Bannon is deeply tied to the Mercer empire. 60 Minutes didn't ask him a single question about it. Article 09/10/17 9:24 PM EDT
After short-term debt ceiling agreement, media figures and outlets declare Trump is more “independent” than Republican Article 09/10/17 3:49 PM EDT
Fox's Gillian Turner: Trump had a “strategic victory” because he showed “that he can make a deal” Video & Audio 09/10/17 10:57 AM EDT
Right-wing media's new voter fraud “proof” is even more asinine than usual Article 09/08/17 3:34 PM EDT