Watch CNN's Anderson Cooper call out Trump adviser's lies about Trump Jr.'s meeting with Russians Video & Audio 07/12/17 10:27 PM EDT
Jack Posobiec showed up at a net neutrality press conference and exposed himself as a fraud Article 07/12/17 6:32 PM EDT
Fox regular calls for a “second special prosecutor” to “go after” Bill and Hillary Clinton and “their Russia ties” Video & Audio 07/12/17 4:16 PM EDT
“Come on!”: Fox's Shepard Smith criticizes Trump for watching DVR recordings of Fox & Friends hours after it airs Video & Audio 07/12/17 3:59 PM EDT
Trump Jr., Russian collusion, and the pro-Trump media’s bad-faith attack on the press Article 07/12/17 11:48 AM EDT
The Daily Beast details how Circa, a Sinclair Broadcast Group subsidiary, rebuilt itself as a pro-Trump outlet Article 07/12/17 11:06 AM EDT
The night before the 2016 election, Trump Jr. and Hannity hyped info stolen by Russian hackers Video & Audio 07/11/17 8:35 PM EDT
Right-wing media figures claim Trump Jr. was part of a “setup made to give the appearance of Russian collusion” Article 07/11/17 7:06 PM EDT
Fox's Eric Bolling blames Obama for Donald Trump Jr. controversy: He “never stopped any of this from happening” Video & Audio 07/11/17 5:51 PM EDT
CNN's Jake Tapper: Donald Trump Jr. is only willing to talk to “his father's favorite channel,” Fox News Video & Audio 07/11/17 5:00 PM EDT
Donald Trump Jr. is ready for his close-up (with lickspittle Sean Hannity) Article 07/11/17 4:28 PM EDT
Trump ally Alex Jones: Donald Trump Jr. was “doing his job … trying to find Russian spies” Video & Audio 07/11/17 3:27 PM EDT
Fox's chief intelligence correspondent edited out mention of Russian government when quoting Trump Jr. emails Article 07/11/17 3:15 PM EDT
CNN's Gloria Borger: Trump Jr.'s emails show “the Russian government ... was trying to help Donald Trump, period.” Video & Audio 07/11/17 2:09 PM EDT